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Copyright Terms

Paramount Poetry's Copyright Notice

When work is accepted for publication on the site, the copyright remains with the poet who may freely seek its publication again in other formats in the future.
All work on this website is, to the best knowledge of Paramount Poetry, that of the person to whom the page is accredited. No page, poem, story, part page, part poem or part story may be reproduced in any way without first obtaining permission from the specified owner of the material. This can be attempted through e-mailing Paramount Poetry at the address below, who will pass your request to the relevant owner.
Any backgrounds, graphics etc used by this website are done so in good faith where the creator has provided for the site or, through their own website, allowed others to use them for free. Where credit and/or links back are requested, we have provided these. If you believe any such art has been used on this site wrongly ie. without permission or giving credit and/or link backs, please email the details to the address below where we will take every necessary immediate action.


Paramount Poetry can accept no responsibility for the presence of work on this website which does not belong to the owner specified, but will remove any such material immediately if such a fraud is proved.
Paramount Poetry can accept no responsibility for the theft of any work from this site, but will make every effort to protect such material.

All work on the site is the responsibility of the named person who submitted it, presumed to be the owner, who may delete, alter or add to their page at any time by request to the e-mail address below.

Duplications on the Internet

If you wish to find out whether your work has been reproduced on the internet without your permission, try , a site which allows you to insert text, then searches web pages for matches.
