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THEME: 'Time'...contributions from our Paramount Poets.

Time: "a measured or measurable period, a continuum that lacks spatial dimensions..."

'Time' is an infinite subject, something which we are all governed by and which affects us all in different ways. When we opened up 'Time' as a theme for submission, one thing became clear - to our poets, Time is everywhere...

Sands of Time
by Aspen Rainwood (Canada)

Tragically the sands of time are nearing the end
Her nightingale voice cracks with age
Her hair is white and dull
Her youthful flesh, scarred and sagging
Fond memories of fiery passion fade
She turns, and looks into your eyes
You are overcome by her enchanting gaze
Deeper you stare, searching her eyes for her wisdom of age
You realize you already know the answers inside...
Then, you smash the mirror.

by Lisa Guliani (USA)

Dreams summon doubt and hesitation
To the cognitive shoreline,
Carry us across rivers of fear,
And crooked creeks of remembrance.
We are reckless riders where rivers meet,
Colliding with Tendency, Fault, and Failing
With each journey inward.
Dreams defy reason with impossibility,
Challenging our sensibilities with
Subtle ironies and subconscious whisperings.
We confront Faith, splashing
Through puddles of memory and metaphor.
Dreams flex our mental muscles
And play with our prayers.
Dreams enfold the soul in nostalgic embrace
Or stir it with restless imaginings.
They tether lucid threads of conflicting realities
To forgotten rituals and ancient rhythms.
Our dreams tell stories in unmetered Time,
Of yesterday reposed, tomorrow undefined.
They lead us beyond birth and death
To a crossroad of spirit and soul,
A merging of wind and water
And uncounted wishes......

The Abundant Lack of Time
by Tracey Clipsham (England)

Time disregards me.
If I could slow the coggs of time,
I would have a moment of my own.

Time is shared...distorted,
Used by others.

Time ploughs on regardless.

When my time eventually
I will have eternity
to reflect and

by Steve Andrews (Wales)

Sitting in the afterglow at the end of another show,
Everybody has now gone home,
The King has fallen down from from his throne,
The Jester sits alone and he cries
And he laughs at himself and the Queen of Lies,
In the air dark birds circling all around,
On the Earth all is gloom, there is no sound,
Except for the actors reciting the tragedy play
But no one lets anyone have their say.
A man is drowning in the sea of his mind
As dream figures open the eyes of the blind,
The Earth on its axis is spinning around the bend
And all that is broken only time can mend.


by Lisa Guliani (USA)

Open your Eyes
While You can
Time is Borrowed
From the Invisible Man...
He offers no Deals,
No Guarranties,
But it’s Fate that He Seals
As Wind Cries in the Trees...
Your Heart is a Prize
Tossed under His Bed
So don’t look Surprised
...On your Heart He just Fed...
Don’t wait for His Hand
It’s deep in His Pocket;
Don’t carry His picture
Round your neck in a Locket;
Don’t give Him your Tears
Despite how you feel,
Don’t waste precious Years
Thinking this is what’s Real...
It’s only a Game, This
You knew at the Start...
If you feel like a Fool,
So Be It...Say,
...Who gave Him Your Heart?...

Inspired? Already written a 'Time' poem of your own?
Click here for further details on submitting your timeless piece...

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