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Entirely subjective ratings by Penguins

You have seen the best, now see the rest !
Admiral Birds' Page This Site is Broken. The Foremost Penguin of them all !!!
Antarctic Penguins
(Adelies and Emperors)
This Site Rated 5 Penguins Pictures of Adelie and Emperor penguins taken over 3 stays in Antarctica (18 months total), in winter and also underwater. Some recorded calls of adults and chicks. {Fantastic photographs, check the Wallpaper link - dingus :-)  }
ArticDoll's Penguin Page This Site Rated 3 Penguins The Artic Doll's Penguin page has great pictures and some cool links. Very short but worthwhile visit.
Birding Antarctica This Site Rated 3 Penguins Birding Antarctica! Do you want to go bird watching in Antarctica? I went. You can too. Amazing pictures and really interesting facts.
Boulders Beach Guesthouse
- Cape Town
This Site Rated 4 Penguins This site is about the African Jackass Penguin. It is very interesting if you want to find out about African Penguins.
Cool Penguin Links This Site Rated 4 Penguins Travis and Ed Miller's excellent I Like Penguins ! page is imho one of the best Penguin Page on the net. A student's page about penguins. A school report posted online.
Din's Penguin Page This Site Not Rated Welcome to Din's Penguin Page. In this page, I have talked about my favourite animal on world, the PENGUINS !! Hope that you'll enjoy your visit here. ^_^
From the Land Beyond
- Photographs in Antarctica
This Site Rated 3 Penguins Photographs of scenery and penguins in Antarctica. Photographs taken by Diane C. Ross. Very good site! A worthwhile visit.
Magic Mom's Penguin Page This Site Not Rated Magic Mom's penguin page is about that marvelous bird. A blend of the elegant and the absurd. It short page with good information and games! Definately a worthwhile visit.
NEAq - Be A Penguin! This Site Rated 5 Penguins Now YOU can be a penguin. You may need a plug-in. Also has penguin information. A Must See !!! :)
Pages by Ted Brattstrom
This Site Not Rated Pages by ted Brattstrom from Pearl City High School - Hawaii are about penguins. A very interesting site with great stories, and funny pictures. You have to visit this site at least once.
Partytown Penguin Page This Site Rated 4 Penguins Penguins On the Net! - What would Partytown! be without a page dedicated to my favorite animal the Penguin!
Penguin Adaptation This Site Not Rated An informative site about how penguins have adapted to survive in the harsh Antartic.
Penguin Cam - LIVE This Site Not Rated See a 12-day-old penguin being fed or wach him yawn. From SEAworld Florida.
Penguin Index This Site Not Rated A site with facts, pictures, links, cyber penguins, jokes and more. Come to this award winning site!
Penguin Information Network This Site Not Rated A really cool penguin site! No penguin facts but a funny site wih really good links. Come visit Patrick the penguin.
Penguin Mania This Site Not Rated Penguin Mania is a really good site with lots of interesting facts. No pictures or links.
Penguin Online Playhouse This Site Not Rated Dedicated to penguin lovers and was built to help people realize just how much penguins make us laugh. A really funny site Good Stories!!
Penguin Pictures and Antarctica Posters
at PenguinPix . com
This Site Rated 3 Penguins Quality Photos and Posters of: Penguins and their World, Penguin Personalities, Huge Antarctic Landscapes, and the Rare Blonde Penguin.
Penguin Planet This Site Not Rated A site for penguin lovers with FREE EMAIL, postcards and a chat
Penguin Post Magazine
and Newsletter
This Site Not Rated The Penguin Post is the world's foremost all penguin news, entertainment and information publication.
Penguin Trivia And Quotations This Site Not Rated Cool penguin stories, poems, and more. Funny and slightly educational sight.
Penguins This Site Not Rated A Sea World Education Department Resource. A very professional and well done page. Good information and a overall good site.
Penguins This Site Not Rated The Black-footed penguin (Sphenicus demersus) is a vanishing species. Come visit them and see what you can do to help!
Penguins in New Zealand This Site Not Rated Information on the penguin species in New Zealand, their status and conservation.
Penguin Soup Home Page This Site Rated 3 Penguins Three penguins are missing after a daring late night escape from the local zoo !
Pete & Barbara's Penguin Page This Site Not Rated Everything you will ever need to know about penguins. Over 150 information pages and 200 picture pages!
Peter's Penguin Page This Site Not Rated Peter's penguin page is a good site for information and has some very good links.
POPPY the Penguin This Site Not Rated POPPY the Penguin is a live action video for children ages 2 to 8. This contains Christian messages.
Swimming in Penguin Facts This Site Not Rated Swimming in penguin facts has, you guessed it, penguin facts. A brief put good page. Come visit!
The Great Penguin Count
on Gabo Island
This Site Not Rated Lynn Salmon's penguin counting penguin expedition. A real life job ....... doesn't that sound like fun.
The Penguin Page This Site Rated 5 Penguins The best penguin page on the web. Very helpful if you are doing research or just like penguins. Kevin Welsh (creator) even made his own webring.
Virtual Antarctica
Science: Penguins
This Site Not Rated An informative site describing the signature bird of Antartica, the penguin.
" Willie" the KOOL Penguin This Site Not Rated This is the cyber home of the late Willie the KOOL penguin. While your here check out the rest of Vot Der Bumboozle? - Popular Culture Excavation Site .....Way Kewl!!!
  This Site Not Rated  
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