
Entirely subjective ratings by Penguins
Last updated 03/22/2025 16:31:57

You have seen the best, now see the rest !
Admiral Birds' Page |
The Foremost Penguin of them all !!! |
Antarctic Penguins
(Adelies and Emperors) |
Pictures of Adelie and
Emperor penguins taken over 3 stays in Antarctica (18 months total), in
winter and also underwater. Some recorded calls of adults and chicks.
{Fantastic photographs, check the Wallpaper link - dingus :-) } |
ArticDoll's Penguin Page |
The Artic Doll's Penguin page has great pictures
and some cool links. Very short but worthwhile visit. |
Birding Antarctica |
Birding Antarctica! Do you want to go bird
watching in Antarctica? I went. You can too. Amazing pictures and really interesting facts. |
Boulders Beach Guesthouse
- Cape Town |
This site is about the African Jackass Penguin.
It is very interesting if you want to find out about African Penguins. |
Cool Penguin Links |
Travis and Ed Miller's excellent I Like Penguins !
page is imho one of the best Penguin Page on the net. A student's page about penguins. A school report posted online. |
Din's Penguin Page |
Welcome to Din's Penguin Page. In this page, I
have talked about my favourite animal on world, the PENGUINS !! Hope
that you'll enjoy your visit here. ^_^ |
From the Land Beyond
- Photographs in Antarctica |
Photographs of
scenery and penguins in Antarctica. Photographs taken by Diane C. Ross.
Very good site! A worthwhile visit. |
Magic Mom's Penguin Page |
Magic Mom's penguin page is about that
marvelous bird. A blend of the elegant and the absurd. It short page
with good information and games! Definately a worthwhile visit. |
NEAq - Be A Penguin! |
Now YOU can be a penguin. You may need a plug-in.
Also has penguin information. A Must See !!! :) |
Pages by Ted Brattstrom
Pages by ted Brattstrom from Pearl City High
School - Hawaii are about penguins. A very interesting site with great
stories, and funny pictures. You have to visit this site at least once. |
Partytown Penguin Page |
Penguins On the Net! - What would Partytown! be without a page dedicated to my favorite animal the Penguin! |
Penguin Adaptation |
An informative site about how penguins have
adapted to survive in the harsh Antartic. |
Penguin Cam - LIVE |
See a 12-day-old penguin being fed or wach him yawn.
From SEAworld Florida. |
Penguin Index |
A site with facts, pictures, links, cyber penguins,
jokes and more. Come to this award winning site! |
Penguin Information Network |
A really cool penguin site! No penguin
facts but a funny site wih really good links. Come visit Patrick the penguin. |
Penguin Mania |
Penguin Mania is a really good site with lots of
interesting facts. No pictures or links. |
Penguin Online Playhouse |
Dedicated to penguin lovers and was built to help
people realize just how much penguins make us laugh. A really funny site Good Stories!! |
Penguin Pictures and Antarctica Posters
at PenguinPix . com |
Quality Photos and Posters of: Penguins and their World, Penguin Personalities, Huge Antarctic Landscapes, and the Rare Blonde Penguin. |
Penguin Planet |
A site for penguin lovers with FREE EMAIL, postcards and a chat |
Penguin Post Magazine
and Newsletter |
The Penguin Post is the world's
foremost all penguin news, entertainment and information publication. |
Penguin Trivia And Quotations |
Cool penguin stories, poems, and more.
Funny and slightly educational sight. |
Penguins |
A Sea World Education Department Resource. A very professional and well
done page. Good information and a overall good site. |
Penguins |
The Black-footed penguin (Sphenicus demersus) is a vanishing species. Come
visit them and see what you can do to help! |
Penguins in New Zealand |
Information on the penguin species in New Zealand,
their status and conservation. |
Penguin Soup Home Page |
Three penguins are missing after a daring late night escape from the local zoo ! |
Pete & Barbara's Penguin Page |
Everything you will ever need to
know about penguins. Over 150 information pages and 200 picture pages! |
Peter's Penguin Page |
Peter's penguin page is a good site for
information and has some very good links. |
POPPY the Penguin |
POPPY the Penguin is a live action video for children
ages 2 to 8. This contains Christian messages. |
Swimming in Penguin Facts |
Swimming in penguin facts has, you guessed it,
penguin facts. A brief put good page. Come visit! |
The Great Penguin Count
on Gabo Island |
Lynn Salmon's penguin counting
penguin expedition. A real life job ....... doesn't that sound like fun. |
The Penguin Page |
The best penguin page on the web. Very helpful if you
are doing research or just like penguins. Kevin Welsh (creator) even made
his own webring. |
Virtual Antarctica
Science: Penguins |
An informative site describing
the signature bird of Antartica, the penguin. |
" Willie" the KOOL Penguin |
This is the cyber home of the late Willie the KOOL penguin. While your here check out the rest of Vot Der Bumboozle? - Popular Culture Excavation Site .....Way Kewl!!! |
More Kewl Links |