Dan Burisch 4/4/2007 neweaglesforum (majestic initiated forum)
Hi, everyone! Rare is the occasion when we find it necessary to act to protect the safety of our fellow operatives. This is the case, tonight.
During the early morning hours of April 3, 2007, Ann, sister to Marcia, spoke with me via telephone. The content of that conversation was closely "noted" by myself. She chose, soon thereafter, to speak with Marcia about the same subjects. You see, she has been very close to a female who worked as a liaison to the 12, the liaison to Project Looking Glass. During the same timeframe, Rob was being pressured by elements close to both the old and new groups to get me to cease the small public inquiry into the events of September 11, 2001. I have a copy of his remarks which I will soon repost, as the public has a right to read them.
Regardless of his being the messenger of that information, and notwithstanding the possible real-world consequences therein, I have chosen to regard him with the same loving feeling I have to other members of the team: Ann, Mongrel, Owl, and Brent. We are presently making changes to the network registries, so that they cannot be tracked.The removal of certain items from the public, while distasteful, will ensure that these fine folks remain safe from the vestiges of the old group, and with certain other things being placed into effect: the arm of the new one as well.
At this time, I would like to encourage that the fine members of the public, continue their posts to the 9-11 Helper Thread, and that Machobird continues to lay out the case, hopefully ending with a nice text product to be forwarded to appropriate locations. I am not recusing myself from the debate. Very soon, the truth to that statement will be as plain as day. However, I will not be engaging in light public debate on this subject. In other words, if I am to have more say on it, it will need to count. What could I be talking about? You will hear, very soon. In the interim, when Machobird says that the case has been laid out, assuming it's a good case, Marcia and I will help him "package it.
"I don't like to be pressured by people who feel they own the world. They don't own it. The only thing they truly own is their own beliefs and actions and in this case, their own arrogance.
They, like some others, have misread me. They, like some others, have underestimated my commitment to truth and the people of earth. I sent a private warning out a few days ago...where I said that I was an American first. That's true! Part of being an American is knowing when to tell those in power to...well...a two word phrase, with the last word being "off." We'll chat soon. Dan
Dan Burisch
"Dan, I have been told to post to you, because you are a stubborn mule. I have been Assistant Counsel to the Majestic Consistory for almost 20 years. My comments are based on my experience, the views of the Chief Counsel, and what I am seeing in the chain of conversations.
Those in former power are expressing their concern as to exactly what you plan to present in the next DVD, by way of photographs or other material associated directly to the Majestic?
The present ones are expressing concerns. Any legal bond, cemented between elements remote to Majestic and the events of Sept 11, may still result in a precipitous political slope. That slope may result in the untimely publication of direct evidence about much more than just Sept 11: PD-Vimana and Artemis. Should you pressure a Fed/Pro to proceed, the likelihood exists that you will have to testify, in an open hearing, whether a Grand Jury can be impanelled or not. At that point, you will be in jeopardy, given the ears listening. You will be placed under oath, and when you refuse to answer specific questions about Vimana and Artemis they will jail you. You will be classified as taking a leak into the cereal boxes of those in power, and may wind up as far south as GITMO.
They won't get the information, but you will rot there because of the slope. I suggest you take these recommendations, right at this moment:
a. I seriously recommend you answer no question, not so much as a hypothetical, about whether anyone could have used S.A.P. equipment to view Sept 11 in any form before it actually happened.
b. Don't listen to those who say otherwise. They aren't willing to go to jail in your place, but they are willing to watch you rot so they can use you as a martyr. They are all on their own crusade and none of their crusades have room for them protecting you.
c. Finish out your investigation on this forum about Sept 11. If the evidence is that good, then no one will need you to become the legal captain.
d. If you remain as interested in this subject as you are now, then press for its trial after we complete the galactic moment. The people who died on Sept 11 and those who have died in the war since, pale to other possibilities. If the evidence is that good, then you won't need to subject yourself to jeopardy.
No amount of evidence, known by so many and not taken seriously until this moment, will be enough to stop the other military options underway, before a new administration takes office. You know who? It will save no one. You have the softer option."
Dan Burisch
Ladies and gentlemen: Marcia and I will have a post to the public Wednesday evening, Las Vegas time. All Eagles Team members are reporting in as safe and sound. That's all I can say about their present status, at the moment. Once more...The investigation into the events of 9-11 will and (hopefully with Machobird) is continuing.
If something more than the rather stark revelation from Ann develops...then...fine. We will go from there. There are things going on behind the scenes that really have been going on for about a week.
The Eagles Team members have been "sent away" by me for their own protection, given events which are imminent.
I am deliberately being obtuse, and for that I apologize. The reasons for my being obtuse will become very clear during Wednesday evening's post. More, Wednesday evening. God Bless and keep you, and the same goes out to all the ships at sea, Dan
Dan Burisch
A message to someone that I have personally known for almost 21 years: 9 hours. Does it have to be this way? (I should politely advise you that I have taken certain liberties in the unlikely event you may wish to terminate this discussion in a negative way.) Well...there we have it. I am going to catch a few hours sleep. Honest people can do that. How are you doing on this fine Washington, DC morning? Now I lay me down to sleep......and the beat goes on! Love, Dan
Dan Burisch
Machobird: Marcia and I will watch Loose Change tomorrow. My concern still stands that if they were indeed involved, we need to lay out a coherent report. Dan P.S. Concerning the Eagles Team...for the time...it is down to Marcia and me. That's fine! That's how the Eagles Team was started! The rest of them may be in danger, for a time, so we have to keep them breathing!
Dan Burisch 3/5/2007 neweaglesforum (now retired majestic; initiated forum)
Great! I have been asked whether we're backing off the 911 threads? HELL NO!
Why should we? The attempts to shut us up, due to what the Maji apparently knew, just make us more interested. Dan. The way I look at this is that they should welcome this investigation. After all the known evidence is laid out, Marcia and I will go over it. If there's difficulty in placing it together into a single unit, I have some experience putting reports together. Neither the government, nor the more nebulous members of the IC, should have any problem with this little effort whatsoever!
Truth be told, the government hasn't acted to restrict us one bit at this time. Certain elements in the IC have their own ideas. To date, I have asked neither for permission. At this juncture, I don't have a reason to ask their opinions, either. We are gathering a full copy of the 911 Commission's Report and will compare/contrast that report to the evidence ultimately delivered here. We will also compare/contrast the evidence delivered here to the counter arguments which are available. I have been contacted by some real people (not like Mr. Analysis who popped up in the Hauer video ) who honestly believe that the counter arguments trump those suggesting an inside job. Well...maybe...maybe not.
I can only guarantee one thing: once the material is done and called "delivered" (and this could take days, weeks, months...it's fine with us), we will produce a balanced comparison and contrast of the evidence.
If certain elements have more to hide, than we have already found, then the worst thing they can do is suggest we stop. Some have done that. If, on the other hand, they have nothing left to hide, then we are a fine hope to them. Given that they say they don't have anything to hide, and given that they say they are in no way concerned by conspiracy theories about 911...then why pressure me? "Rot in GITMO," they say? They threaten a retired 20 year Senior MajOp? Forward. We'll see what it says when it's all laid out. Dan
"eiecitque Adam et conlocavit ante paradisum voluptatis cherubin et flammeum gladium atque versatilem ad custodiendam viam ligni vitae" Gen 3:24 (V)
Dan Burisch 4/11/2007 Las Vegas, Nevada, neweaglesforum (now retired Majestic initiated forum)
" ... The way I am presently feeling, we are a "go" for the final taping tomorrow. I plan to begin arranging the material presented in the 911 Evidence and Helper Threads on Friday as well.
A note on 911, Majestic and conspiracies: To date (and yes, I am going to comb evidence presented on the forum soon) there has been ABSOLUTELY ZERO EVIDENCE that the former seated members of the Majestic had anything to do with the plans behind or the carrying out of the tragedy of 911. NOTHING! NO EVIDENCE!
The only evidence presented has thus far shown that probably somewhere between 1-3 of the 12 were aware as early as the middle 1990's of a coming war with Islamic Extremists...and that the former J1 could be an a-hole. (A Few of the Committee of the Majority were likely to have known the above information as well.)
Many international-political-terrorism experts were indicating that publicly, at that time, on their own! J1 an a-hole? Nothing new there, brother! There has been no evidence presented that the information to which they (the 12) were privy, was of such quality or quantity that it would have allowed them to do anything to prevent the war. I do not know what they may have been privy to which may have been considered a worse path. I am aware of certain other T1 possibles...but that doesn't have apparent linkage to 911.
Me, 911? I found out that morning, after being awakened early with the information that a jet had struck one of the 2 WTC Towers. I rounded the turn into the livingroom to soon see the jet strike the other tower. (That doesn't sound as interesting as the smoke and mirrors of accusations without evidence, but at least I am being honest about it.)
Further...What we have found, the new evidence, involves one of the former Maji. This person is also connected to many other groups, including at the time of first relevance (1970's) - the White House.
Quite simply, I have never said that the members of the Maji were all nice folks...not hardly......but I am also not so irresponsible as to lay accusations at the feet of anyone without evidence...not even them. (The willingness of some others to do so, only belies their own lofty (and certainly contrived) statements.
Screams of "They are murderers!" only make people who scream it without evidence look as bad as their own accusations sound. It's quite beyond them to argue moral authority with nearly 4 years of their mockery, hoaxes, and nonsense in the record.)
If I find that evidence exists that Majestic was involved with the planning or execution of 911 or any crime against humanity - I will report it publicly. If I find new evidence that any government or person was behind 911...anyone...I will report it publicly.
My Emeritus status was legitimately earned through what I perceive as ethical and moral service. For the storm I was within...I did pretty good. The former seated members can't take that (Emeritus) away from me. I don't owe them stick! Dan
Dan Burisch 4/13/2007 neweaglesforum [majestic initiated forum]
Okay...here are the decisions. As you can see, the DVD "Many Voices, One Spirit!", the second DVD in the debriefing series of DVD's is due to be completed by JUNE 1, 2007!
Given the timeframe for certain Lotus activities in Spring, 2008, I have decided to hold the Lotus DVD#1 off until after those particular unnamed activities have been completed. More information will be given to the public, then. From now, until then, I will have very little to say about Lotus, publicly.
Given the amount of time required for Marcia and I to complete the promised Emanation of the Solfeggio book preparing for Lotus activities in Spring 2008, a smaller event between now and then (to be announced)...I have made the decision to reset the processing dates for Eagles Disobey (tm): The Martian Timeline until after Spring, 2008. This choice would not be forced on us, if we were not missing the support and clerical people - 4 Team Members (Ann, Mongrel, Owl, and Brent).
When you are a Team of 6 (2 Administrators and 4 support staff), and the entire support staff is (for lack of a better term) lost...it causes some real troubles.The Lotus DVD, for reasons not to be revealed to the public at this time, was to be postponed anyway. (It's the right thing to do, but I will let everyone know why at a later date. I can assure you however, now, that Lotus is alive and well! )The real "hurt" is the necessity to delay the next Eagles book. I apologize, but the promise to the public to deliver Emanation of the Solfeggio...together with the importance of Spring 2008, I have no choice. Further, should Spring, 2008, push the delivery of Solfeggio into the start of 2008 (which we highly doubt), the Sono-Ciphers (a nice and possibly productive way to look at the meanings in sounds) will be provided to the public, free of charge, by the end of this year. That was a promise and it will be fulfilled.
The research depth, background information, new take on the history of Christ, Mary Magdalene and cultures; and linkage to other studies...well...people can make a decision whether or not to pay the charge Marcia will set on that product. This, however...being that even though I humbly confess I was the primary to find the relationship (unless we find previous finders) and Marcia and I were the meaning finders after that...this carries a meaning of a different kind. I am sure the depth of the meaning will be significantly enhanced when seen as part of the entire book, given the contents, but the ciphers themselves, they belong to the people. Marcia and I have always drawn a line where to charge and where not to charge. The line is an ethical/moral line. She and I are in complete agreement, that such ciphers are not something we would (for just them) apply a charge.
The discovery of the relationships in the Solfeggio Cube was another. We are already personally aware that certain musicians, using music as a healing medium, are applying the information from the Solfeggio Cube, in their therapeutic practices. The ciphers are expected to be an even greater gift of information which can be applied. The vast majority of people utilizing our work are never heard on the internet. They aren't found on loud...or even quiet...forums. [We do our research for the betterment of humanity, and we expect that there will be rabble-like screaming from a few. Such "screamers" sometimes chase researchers from the web.
So far ... we can hardly hear and have never really "felt" anything from the negatives. Perhaps some of such positive researchers, who leave the web, are not accustomed to the vile nature of some of the detractors who become "charge-attached" ( + - ) to them.
Thank goodness our Military, Police, Maj and Science training went heavy on applied aspects of Coulomb Potential and Pauli Repulsion! Well...it's nearly 4 years since such first charge attachments...and Marcia and I are just starting! We feel fresh and ready to rock on...just like babies in the morning! Why? The positive people's energy and all the prayers (positive or negative-converted) are wrapping around us and are making us stronger...each day...many times stronger than when we published Eagles in 1998! The more detractors sound, the more the positives know where we are...and that we're positives! God Bless everyone! We miss the team members...but...their absence has caused a resurgence of energy and defiance from us...just like we've rolled back the time and it's 1997 all over again! It's just "we two" all over again...but with so many positive friends now... It's morning in Team Eagles, Marcia and I are "in synch" and we're dancing, baby! ] Watch www.eaglesdisobey.net and this thread for the release of DVD#2 "Many Voices, One Spirit!" We'll chat soon! Dan
Dan Burisch 4/21/2007 Las Vegas, Nevada, neweaglesforum (majectic initiated forum)
Dan Burisch 4/22/2007 neweaglesforum (Majestic intiated forum)
TELEPHONE CALL RECEIVED, VIA SATFONE: DATE: Sunday, April 22, 2007 TIME: 20:40 PT LOCATION ORIGIN: Undeclared (Protected) LOCATION RECEIVED: Las Vegas, Nevada NAME: Robert S. W[________], M.S. POS: Former Majestic Security Superintendent, Eastern U.S., 82-99 MSG:
'Pledges support of most former Eastern U.S. *MajSecOps in investigation.'*Note: The names and locations of retired ops as pledged will remain secure for now.
Dan Burisch 4/28/2007 Location: Las Vegas, Nevada BURISCH'S BLOG neweaglesforum (now former Majestic 12 initiated forum)
A friendly message I expect will be carried aloft by old ops to my good friend, GJT: What's wrong bunky? Do you feel yourself getting closed on? I know. Even if you were a major PITA, Porter was worse! I just can't let you suffer this way! Don't worry over it. Call Dennis! Or..."60 Minutes" will be your swan song? Naaa!!! When you reach Dennis [Kucinich], tell him the truth - I trust you still remember what that is? Let me GUESS? James told you about the Uruk issue after you got upsourced by RBC when he went around J1 so a vote-down couldn't occur in the newly spinning 12. This was in the wake of the CotM falling apart? You were told that the case to go into Iraq was already set "Slam Dunk Co-Op" to jump off from Afghanistan and into Iraq to get the ERB, which was then under Sunni control via Saddam. Remember now? Of course you do! It was all arranged, right? The funding was in place for the protection! 43 got revenge for 41, RBC sent the cut of the profits to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) who lined it up as half. RBC took his cut and so did Karzai and the rest was split again for the protection inside Afghanistan and Iraq.
You just have to aching to tell it all? Let's recount it a little more, continuing to guess about it. You made the deal with SDC, via Karzai, who had another deal with RBC (unknown to the full 12) to slip Morning Glory profits out the back door to the Shiites (without them knowing where the money was from), and as part of the deal their kin wouldn't oppose us on the ground when we took Saddam out, as they could regain their place in Afghanistan against the Sunni biased Taliban? Your selling point was a done deal: restore the Imam Hussein's memory to a rightful place, and to remove Saddam, in the place where the Karbala martyrdom occurred.
(Of course the Sunni's in Iraq found out a few years later, which is why the Al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, named after the father of Imam Hussein, was bombed, but by then it was someone else's problem? You remember how that all came about? I can guess. The blackops we had working inside Afghanistan told the aid workers with whom they had to blend in, because the aid workers were going to drop a dime on them once the legit workers started getting killed. Then wet-ops in Iraq threatened to talk after hearing, so that forced you to run cover. So you started "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul" after RBC turned you down for Plaus-D to J1. Things got out of control right before you left. You called me and tried to get me to make a trade for you...you get the tones which you hand as technology to the Egyptian Sunni's for a peace offering, but the Shia in their country found out.
I called J1 and he checked with your liaison to Cairo, and so the cat was out of the bag! The pass of the message was slow but it made its rounds...especially to the bossman. Then Pavitt told McLaughlin. You said you were leaving for 'personal reasons,' "nothing more and nothing less." But, by the time you were saying that, RBC had already told bossman who in turn told Dr. CR. Dr. CR told CLP that she was aware, and soon she had leveraged his job, given State's appearance as being the center of it all, because of the infamous "bugs-in-a-trailer" dog-and-pony show at the UNSC.) Now you are trying to figure out how to explain why you used the term "Slam Dunk" and none of your explanations seem to be taking because the IC is circling the wagons and the worst possible person for you is in charge of it? (Plus, the idea to charm the Shia by W has fallen on deaf ears with al-Maliki because he's in tight with Cairo!) Oh, man! You thought you were getting what was on the left, and now you find out the best you can get is on the right!
I wonder what I am going to tell everybody if I am placed in a chair after raising my right hand? You know, truth be told, I don't like whiners, but given all the water under our bridge, I will give you my best advice. I want to be there for you when you find the need to pay for counsel: Call Keith. I hear BAH is down one man and they are going heavy subcontracting to the DAV's. This way you can stay in the same business you were in, while playing "Slam Dunk" with real lives. Dan
GJT - You have to be asking yourself: How did we know that CBS would run the particular photo, above, in their expose'? Could it be that CBS already spoke with somebody in our circle? Impossible, right? GJT - You knew instantly that 9/11 was UBL? "You listen to me!" "We don't torture people!" No one died in the interrogation program...excuse me...the Enhanced Interrogation Program? You didn't read W's State of the U? What about your passing it around with J2 and J1 in the 12's chamber before it was approved? Did you forget that? "It's a Slam Dunk Case!" meant "We could do better!" TELL THE TRUTH!!! SDC!!!"MEN OF HONOR DON'T DO THIS"?????????
Your performance tonight looked like a Used Car Salesman trying to back-off an odometer reading! GJT- You call your book "At the Center of the Storm"? It's due in stores in just 4 hours! Who and what is on your mind, man? Are you applying for membership? Sorry, our Think Tank, named "Eye of the Hurricane" for over 2 years now, is not accepting new members at this time. You yelled the same thing at me "Listen to me! I have the authority!" when you wanted to steal my work and use it to fund your problems...I don't want to sound cruel, but you decided to play near the fire! Now that your trousers are burned, you only have yourself to blame. Have a good night, GJT......but don't come knocking. Dan
Dan Burisch 4/5/2007 neweaglesforum (former initiated majestic 12 forum)
Addendum to the above blog...as I forgot to answer a few questions...as handed to me by Marcia...Marcia and I are the two people in charge of "Project Lotus and Lotus/Isis." Period.
Deborah, while she was there at the mountain when Lotus was first recognized as a phenomenon, has returned to her love- Remote Viewing. She is in charge of a small Remote Viewing group which is assisting Project Lotus. Will the formal Theory be called Lotus? No. Majestic named "Lotus". I applied the names Ganesh, Shiva, Vishnu as nicknames from a previous theory...applied to Lotus...It will be called something else. Depending on any public opinion, could Project Isis be called into question so much so where it could be cancelled? No, not unless we conclude that our theory is errant and the application fails. Scientific debate is scientific debate. The work we are doing to combine acoustics and Lotus will continue. We will move to apps. Dan
Note: Some backround reference to the above post
Abstract: This website's creator needs a modus operandi for aquiring a pecuniary coin of the realm, as required by "civilization"