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Po2 Prog Work
Venom's Work
Sway's Work
Sim's Work
Brad's Work
Altoid's Work
Po2 Artwork
Mantis' Work
Stealth's Work
Message Board
Other Progs & Utilities
Mail Prog Prez- Venom
Mail Art Prez- Mantis
Mail VP- Sway

Programmers of 2000

The App
Fill out the app completly in your respective field. Incomplete apps will not even be considered.

Your Handle:
E-mail Address:
How old are you:
Past Group And Position:
Why do you want to join:

This Part For Programmers-

What language do you program in:

How long have you been programming for:

What type of programs do you know how to make:

This Part For Artists-

What programs do you use to make art:

How long have you been making art:

This Part For Acii/Macro Artists-

What ascii/macro shop do you use:

How long have you been doing ascii/macros:

Give us a little taste of your skill in the box below (ascii only):

This Part For Icon Artists-

What icon maker do you use:

How long have you been making icons: