My Poetic Soul

Poetry is my life, my therapy and my soul. I am inspired by the poetry and lyrics of Tupac Shakur. I write what i call "Ghetto Poetry" lol. From topics about love, breakups, the streets, death, fake ass people, and anything i am feeling. My poetry is all copywrighted and my own. No biting please! Warning: These poems come from my heart and was written at some hard times in my life. Just because im talking about killing someone, killing myself, or using a lot of profanity in them DOES NOT mean that i am one of these thug bitches out there who cuss a lot and who's on prozac and crazy. This is my therapy. Do not take anything offensive or personal. Enjoy the poems!>

Poems About Me
I Am Only Me

Love Poems
I Gotta Keep Quiet
6 Silent Tears
All We Need
2 Roses
Love For A Friend

Broken Hearted Poems
Love Dont Live Here No More
You Love Me?!?!
Forget About Me
Domestic Abuse 1
Feel Bad Bitch
You Fools Are The Same

Poems For My Real Wunz
A Poem For Eman

Fake Friends
2~Timer Friend
Backstabbing Bitch
To: Bear
Tired Bitches
Uz A Hoe

For my Family
A Real Father

3 Years Ago Yesterday
Heavenly Love
Gangstaz Soul To Rest
R.I.P Patrick
Please Don't Die!

Poems of Pain
No One Gives A Shit
Image You Look Through

Other Poems
Creeping Joe
The Streets
Homeless Lady
Boy With A Gun

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