Gameshark Codes
Please send me more codes at
Theses first Game Shark Codes were submitted by me!
Miscellaneous Codes
Infinite HP (in battle)
Infinite HP
No Random Battles
Infinite Money
To get Mew
Infinite energy (PP) for all Pok»mon
Buy anything from any city Pok»mart
Use the Code in places of the xx
1st Slot
2nd Slot
3rd Slot
4th Slot
Cost in Pok»marts
Master Ball
Ultra Ball
Great Ball
Moon Stone
Burn Heal
Ice Heal
Parlyze Heal
Full Restore
Max Potion
Hyper Potion
Super Potion
Escape Rope
Fire Stone
HP up
Rare Candy
X Accuracy
Leaf Stone
PP up
Full Heal
Max Revive $4000 37 Guard Spec $700 38 Super Repel $500 39 Max Repel $700 3A Dire Hit $650 3B Coin $10 3C Fresh Water $200 3D Soda Pop $300 3E Lemonade $350 41 X Attack $500 42 X Defend $550 43 X Speed $350 44 X Special $350 4B Exp. All $0 4F PP Up $0 50 Ether $0 51 Max Ether $0 52 Elixer $0 53 Max Elixer $0 Code Item Ability C4 HM01 Cut C5 HM02 Fly C6 HM03 Surf C7 HM04 Strength C8 HM05 Flash C9 TM01 Mega Punch CA TM02 Razor Wind CB TM03 Swords Dance CC TM04 Whirlwind CD TM05 Mega Kick CE TM06 Toxic CF TM07 Horn Drill D0 TM08 Body Slam D1 TM09 Take Down D2 TM10 Double Edge D3 TM11 Double Beam D4 TM12 Watergun D5 TM13 Ice Beam D6 TM14 Blizzard D7 TM15 Hyperbeam D8 TM16 PayDay D9 TM17 Submission DA TM18 Counter DB TM19 Seismic Toss DC TM20 Rage DD TM21 Mega Drain DE TM22 Solar Beam DF TM23 Dragon Rage E0 TM24 Thunderbolt E1 TM25 Thunder E2 TM26 Earthquake E3 TM27 Fissure E4 TM28 Dig E5 TM29 Psychic E6 TM30 Teleport E7 TM31 Mimic E8 TM32 Double Team E9 TM33 Reflect EA TM34 Bide EB TM35 Metronome EC TM36 Self-Destruct ED TM37 Egg Bomb EE TM38 Fire Blast EF TM39 Swift F0 TM40 Skull Blast F1 TM41 Soft Boiled F2 TM42 Dream Eater F3 TM43 Sky Attack F4 TM44 Rest F5 TM45 Thunder Wave F6 TM46 Psywave F7 TM47 Exposion F8 TM48 Rock Slide F9 TM49 Tri-Attack FA TM50 Substitute FB TM51 Cut FC TM52 Fly FD TM53 Surf FE TM54 Strength FF TM55 Flash 01xxD8CF (turn the xx into the numbers and letters) 99 Bulbasaur 09 Ivysaur 9A Venusaur B0 Charmander B2 Charmeleon B4 Charizard B1 Squirtle B3 Wartortle 1C Blastoise 7B Caterpie 7C Metapodi 7D Butterfree 70 Weedle 71 Kakuna 72 Beedrill 24 Pidgey 96 Pidgeotto 97 Pidgeot A5 Rattatac A6 Raticate 05 Spearow 23 Frearow 6C Ekans 2D Arbok 54 Pikachu 55 Raichu 60 Sandshrewk 61 Sandslash 0F Nidoran(femalle) A8 Nindorina 10 NidoQueen 03 Nidoran(male) A7 Nindorino 07 NidoKing 04 Clefairyj 8E Clefable 52 Vulpix 53 Ninetales 64 Jigglypuff 65 Wigglytuff 6B Zubat 82 Golbat B9 Oddisho BA Gloom BB Vileplume 6D Paras 2E Parasect 41 Venonat 77 Venomoth 3B Diglett 76 Dugtrios 4D Meowth 90 Persian 2F Psyduck 80 Goldduck 39 Mankey* 75 Primeape 21 Growlithe 14 Arcaninel 47 Poliwag 6E Poliwhirl 6F Poliwrath 94 Abra 26 Kadabra 95 Alakazam 6A Machop 29 Machokei 7E MachAmp BC Bellsprout BD Weepinbell BE Victreebell 18 Tentacool 9B Tentacruel A9 Geodude 27 Gravelern 31 Golem A3 Ponyta A4 Rapidash 25 Slowpoke 08 Slobro AD Magnemite 36 Magneton 40 Farfetch'd 46 Doduo 74 dodrio 3A Seel 78 Dewgong 0D Grimer 88 Muk 17 Shellder 8B Cloyster 19 Gastly 93 Haunter 0E Gengar 22 Onix 30 Drowzee 81 Hypno 4E Krabby 8A Kingler 06 Voltorb 8D Electrode 0C Exeggcute 0A Exeggutor 11 Cubone 91 Marowak 2B Hitmonlee 2C Hitmonchan 0B Lickitung 37 Koffing 8F Weezing 12 Rhyhorn 01 Rhydon 28 Chansey 1E Tangela 02 Kangaskhan 5C HorSea 5D SeaDra 9D Goldeen 9E Seaking 1B Staryu 98 Starmie 2A Mr. Mime 1A Scyther 48 Jynx 35 Electabuzz 33 Magmar 1D Pinsir 3C Tauros 85 Magikarp 16 Gyarados 13 Lapras 4C Ditto 66 Eevee 69 Vaporeon 68 Jolteon 67 Flareon AA Porygon 62 Omanvste 63 Omastar 5A kabuto 5B Kabutops AB Aerodactyl 84 Snorlax 4A Articuro 4B Zapdos 49 Moltres 58 Dratini 59 Dragonair 42 Dragonite 83 Mewtwo B6 Missingno. These codes will always work but-the picture is corrupt half the time or always. Sometimes ash will look glitched during battles and the new pokemon may evolve to others (this happened to me when my Rainer evolved into a Spearow but still kept my original Blastois' moves). They will always keep the original pokemon's moves. Your pokedex will NOT be updated. I am not responsable if anything happens to yoour game although i have experienced none at all. How To Get Pikablu 01E764D1 First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark to normal. Put in the first place of your party a Raichu. Turn on the switch. Now go to Lavender town and rename Raichu PIKABLU ( In Caps ). How To Get Locustod 01E464D1 First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark to normal. Put in the first place of your party a ButterFree. Turn on the switch. Now go to Lavender town and rename ButterFree LOCUSTOD ( In Caps ). He is Pok»mon number #175. How To Get Rainer 01C164D1 First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark to normal. Put in the first place of your party a Blastoise. Turn on the switch. Now go to Lavender town and rename Blastoise RAINER ( In Caps ). He is Pok»mon number #205. How To Get Psybur 01F264D1 First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark to normal. Put in the first place of your party a Pok»mon of your choice. Turn on the switch. Now go to Lavender town and rename that Pok»mon PSYBUR ( In Caps ).He is Pok»mon number #209. How To Get Psybird 01E164D1 First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark to normal. Put in the first place of your party a Pok»mon of your choice. Turn on the switch. Now go to Lavender town and rename that Pok»mon PSYBIRD ( In Caps ). He is Pok»mon number #211. How To Get Spooky 01F164D1 First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark These will transform the first pokemon on your 6 pokemon list, then go to the nickname changer in Lavender town and nickname them with the names for the codes below. (xxxx64D1) replace xxxx with the text right of the pokemon. Except for Anthrax. Use The code next to anthrax, do not try him with xxxx64D1. NO PICS FOR THESE POKEMON IN THE GAME THOUGH SORRY, but nintendo took them out, but it is them. 224 Raticlaw -01ED (Evolved form of Raticate) 234 POKeMANIAC -01C2 240 Sapusaur -01E3 (Evolved form of Venusaur) 245 Charcolt -01E2 (Evolved form of Charizard) 250 Anthrax -6FBFD8CF To get ANTHRAX- Walk around in a field, it will apear. Capture it and it will be No.112 RHYDON. Then after it updates the pokedex donot nickname it. Then go out and capture it again this time it will NOT mention the pokedex, nickname it ANTHRAX and go pick it up in the pokemon center. 254 Beepin -01F4 (Evolved Form of BeeDrill) 255 Millenum -01F5 PikaBlu Code(UPDATED!!) - NOTE!: This code has been approved by Nintendo and will not mess any part of your game up.. Perfectly clean and won't erase any data!...... I HAVE ADDED THE STEPS THAT WERE MISSING ON THE PIKABLU CODE! To Catch Pikablu in any Version: NEW Updated CODE! Follow these Simple steps to catch him! 1.First you must catch all 150 Pokemon NOT I repeat NOT using GameShark. 2. Then you also must have Seventeen of your Pokemon at Level 100. 3. Then when all of these tasks are complete, go to the guy in Pewter City who asks you if you have been to the Museum yet. Say NO so he takes you to the door. 4. Then go into the museum and go upstairs and talk to the Lady who says "I want My father to catch me a Pikachu!" 5. After you talk to her, immediatly come out of the door and once you come out of the door do not take any steps forward. left, or right. Immediatly use fly and go to Fuchsia City. 6. Go to the Safari zone and catch a Tuaros. Leave room in your pokemon slots. So only bring 5 when you go to catch him. Then put tuaros in your 1st slot. 7. Go into the Game Corner and talk to the Lady that says "Go Next Door to the Coin Exchange Corner to use your coins to get great Prizes!" 8. But this time she will say, "Hey? You have all the badges? WOW! Well then since you were nice enough to talk to me, I will give you this Pokemon I found stranded behind then Pokemon Museum, he is so strong I can not control him.But since you have all the badges, YOU TAKE HIM! 9. It will say, "You got ???????" Then when you try to use it it will just be like if you were pressing cancel and it will exit every time you click on it. Then go to Proffesor Oak and he will say the same thing he says when you give him Oaks Parcel, it will still say "YOU DELIVERED OAKS PARCEL!" 10. Then when you go into your pokemon line and it will replace the Pokemon in your first slot. So put a spearow or something in first. It will still be called ????? so go to the Nickname guy and change it to Pikablu. It has a ElectricWave, Psyshock, and Electrode... Dont ask me why its Electrode but its an awesome move. 11. It is a Level 999 and Pikablu will, Yes it will appear in your Pokedex! After 150 it will say 154 and then you look at the Pokedex Info and it will look like this... Name: Pikablu Type: ??????? Height: 2" 3" Length: 3" 4" Height: 2" 3" Wieght: 34 Stats: Attack-999 Defense-999 Speed-999 Special-999 Duplicate Pokémon! - This could seriously mess up your game and it may not work, so use with caution: Here is a code that you can use to duplicate Pokémon! Set up a trade with the Pokémon that you want to be multiplied and any other Pokémon. That other Pokémon will be erased. Say I wanted to multiply Articuno, I would set up a trade with someone and trade them my Articuno. They would trade my anything that they didn't want. Near the end of the trade It says: Waiting... and Trade Complete! When it says Waiting... get ready as soon as it disappears off that screen shut the gameboy off that is trading the one to be multiplied. The other game will say Trade Complete! Shut that GB off. Both People will now have that Pokémon! Fishing Catch Rate - Use the SUPER ROD, and when it says "Ash used SUPER ROD", turn the pad clockwise really fast. It works 95% of the time. MissingNo. Another Useless Cheat - This cheat has been confirmed to mess up saved games. Players have had to restart their games and lost all their saved info. First, go anywhere where you can trade Pokémon with a computer trainer. The best place is Cinnabar Island Lab because there are many people to trade with there. Trade with anyone then go outside and do the "Safari Zone" trick. (Go onto a Pokémon with surf and swim along half-land and half water, the shore.) Continue along the whole shore until you get in a battle. The screen will be black for about four seconds, then you will fight the Pokémon!! His name is MissingNo.(with a period). He is on Level 80 and his picture is a blur. It is hard to catch him, but it can be done. When you do catch him he does not appear on the pokedex though. Here are the following glitch effects which occur after catching him. After a while the music will change. If he is in your party, the picture of Ash will be flipped and the Pokémon will be messed up. Check the Pokémon league. It competely messes up everything. It shows Pokémon you never used, their levels over 200, and weird commands everywhere. SEAFOAM ISLANDS Poké Cheat - How to Catch any SAFARI ZONE Pokémon in the WILD! Go to area of SAFARI ZONE where the particular Pokémon you have your eyes on resides. (e.g., KANGASKHAN in 2nd of 4 sections next to starting section) Run around in that area until the time runs out Head straight to SEAFOAM ISLANDS and SURF just along the edge in the water (up and down on the coast) and SAFARI ZONE Pokémon from that particular area will attack! Master Ball Cheat: It Does Work - Using any Poké Ball, press up and B at the same time as soon as you see the ball flying toward the Pokémon. Let go of up and B when the Pokémon gets caught in the ball. The Poké Ball acts as a Master Ball only if the Poké Ball doesn't miss. Easy Ditto Catch - Put Magikarp at top of list and let Ditto transform into a Magikarp. Then switch Pokémon--Ditto is easy to fight and catch! Cheap Trick: Standing on top of trees - Cut down a bush stand on the spot where the bush is save and restart the game and you on top and stuck there. (Why do this?) Better Chance Catching Safari Pokémon? - When you throw a Safari Ball, the instant you see the ball materialize, start rotating the pad from the left in a counterclockwise motion at a semi-slow speed. I have been able to catch the most difficult Pokémon in the Safari Zone multiple times. It's not 100% effective, but it is in the 80% area, and the ones that escape the ball and run away, I usually catch the next Pokémon right away. I want to be sure this is a legitimate trick, so I call on everyone to try it on your GBs in the Safari Zone. Walk Through Walls - type 01a47ccf then goto a mart and but a thing called Nickname??? type in infinite money code 019947d3 to buy it. This item will allow you to go through walls. For example, goto fushia city, then goto the side of the cages of the pokemons that you can't catch. You hav to be facing down. Then goto item then select nickname. The screen for you to choose your pokemons will show up. Press B and exit the menu. Your pokemons and you should be at the left. go left one space. now press start, goto pokemon, then press b again and you should be on top of the wall. now press left to go in. when you want to get out, you hav to face down also and you hav to hav a space available under you. then do the same thing except if you want to get out at the right, just press right. this code can go through walls. Copy Items - 1.Fly to Viridian City 2.Talk to the old man at the top of the city and reply no 3.When he is done talking, move the item you want copyed to the 6th spot 4.Fly to Cinnabar Island and walk directly to the right then Surf 5.Surf up and down where it is half land and water 6.You should see weird Pokémon like Missingno. "m" and much more (If you are lucky, you might see Mewtwo at lv 141 or something) 7.Run away from the Missingno. or the "m" 8.Check your 6th item and there should be a weird symbol anda number. 9.Congrats you copyed some items.