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Dream Weaver

     Here is Penelope, my dream weaver.  Sitting on a stool at my drawing board, she is my creative guide into the faery realms.  Starlight shimmers around her, a visible form of the cosmic energy patterns that flow through everything.  At the luminous point where inspirational energies and nurturing energy. meet in harmony and balance, Penelope's faery form springs forth, spirit manifest as matter.

   We talk of intelligent or gifted people as being bright or dazzling.  We say we have a bright idea a flash of intuition; or we speak of gaining enlightenment.  When we look at faeries, we see all these things made visible in glorious form.  Penelope, like all faeries, is luminous.  She is a bright vessel of natural wisdom and exquisite faery grace.

     By calling on this faery's help we create focused energy and open ourselves up to higher intuition.  She shows us how to reconnect to heavenly and earthly power.  Take the glowing gift of inspiration she holds out to you to guide you on your journey, leading to all that you might be.  And remember, like this faery, to keep a light and open heart -- for self  - illumination is the brightest light of all.