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The Frog Queen

     There in the inner realm of Faery, this Frog Queen is surrounded by earthy and watery companions; the little impulses of our nature, and one little whim that needs to be pampered.  Pignut the pixie laughs and says: "She hasn't even got her croak to keep her warm."  The others groan and roll their eyes while the Frog Queen smiles her secret smile.

     The queen has left her crown and robe behind, for today she's going swimming -- in the well of inspiration.  Some call it the well well, or healing well -- or the need well, for it provides you with what you need.  Through our imaginations, we can follow her into the well.  Let her leap be yours, and swim downward into the dark and soothing depths.

    Many faces peer at you from the distant surface of the well -- faery thoughts and impulses that you must leave behind.  Name them if you can, then let them go and leave them at the surface.  Follow the Frog Queen deeper and deeper, and all you no longer need is washed away.  Deeper, deeper, deeper ... Darkness gives way to a golden glow surrounding you with pervasive warmth as a rich golden light permeates every part of your body, every part of your soul.  Rest here for as long as you desire ... then ask this faery for whatever you need most.  Her gift takes the form of a radiant gold ball -- hold it to your heart, and its buoyancy will lift you to the surface once more.  As you break through to the air above, the ball has become a part of you, radiating faery warmth, light, and power deep inside you.  As you emerge from the well feeling light, refreshed, and clear, remember to thank the Frog Queen for her help.  She will reply that you are welcome to return to the well anytime you need to.


For the Frog Queen has borrowed the legs of a frog, the most favored and noble of all faery companions.  Frogs were known as the healing Lords of the Earth to the ancient Celts of Europe, symbols of good luck and robust good health.  They were sacred to Hekit, the Egyptian midwife of the gods, representing fertility and rebirth -- while CCb,ing-Wa Sbeng, the Chinese frog spirit, symbolized vision and subtle understanding.  Frogs were a sign of harmony between lovers in Graeco-Roman myth; they also represented sensuality and were the companions of the nymphs.  Frogs were magical rainmakers in Aztec myths.  Aboriginal lore, and the folktales of many African peoples.  In European fairy tales, the frog or toad was a agent of transformation:  princes bid in frog disguise and frog wives conjured magic of the heart.  In alchemy, the jewel concealed in the toad's head symbolized spiritual truth--reminding us that outward appearances can be deceptive and that hidden rewards can be found in the most unpromising material or events.