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Gwenhwyear Faery


She is the White Shadow, dancing by moonlight to the faery piper's tune, leaving tiny white star flowers to glow where her feet have trod.  She dreams that she dances among constellations far beyond our knowing.

     Faeries love to dance.  Their music is the most haunting music ever heard by human ears, sad and sweet, deeply sensual, tranquil one moment, demented the next.  The White Ladies are luminous color and mist in their wake.  Faeries often dance in circles, leaving rings of flattened grass to mark the sites of their midnight revels -- or circle of toadstools, springing up where faery feet have trod.

     Faeries dwell in the twilight, between day and night, between spirit and matter, between the conscious and unconscious ... where all things are possible, where our past and future meet, reflections of our true selves and the true inner self of the world.