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Honesty the Faery of the Soulful Eyes


     In this faery's gaze, we see that eyes are truly the mirror of the soul.  His eyes reflect our souls and hearts; we can hide nothing from him.  The honest faery is not a judgmental or accusing creature, but rather is empathic, compassionate, able to see through all our convoluted motivations to the heart of any matter.  Summon his help when you need clarity, particularly when your motives are unclear.  He teaches us compassion for ourselves, and ask that we learn this lesson well -- for only when we are honest, clear, and loving to our own spirit can we give these gifts to others,

  This faery is always honest, however, so summon him with care.  He won't tell you that hideous necktie is fine; he won't assure you that no one will notice a botched haircut or a gain of twenty pounds.  He's not the faery to soothe your pride when you've made a stupid or embarrassing mistake.  If it's an honest opinion you need, then this faery is the one to ask -- but be prepared for the plain, unvarnished truth in those soulful eyes.

Ghost of a Mushroom ( bottom left)

     This creature said it was a ghost of a mushroom ... but what it actually meant was that it is part of the process of physical decay and transformation.

The Plymouth Rock Faery (bottom right)

One of the mysteries of faery communication is that sometimes faeries will tell us things that do not make any logical sense (at least in earthly terms).  This faery insists that he lives in Plymouth Rock, where the Pilgrims landed, and also in a rock under the Statue of Liberty.  He refuses to clarify this message.  I can only assume he functions as some sort of intermediary helping immigrants or visitors to American shores.