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Water Fay

     Fays are the guardians of nature secrets and other hidden knowledge.  They rise from the murky depths of water to inspire, enchant, and guide us in the ways of the Faery Queen.  As the spirits of waterfalls and springs, they pour our healing water to refresh us, body and spirit.  Water is the source of our existence, nurtured as we were in our mothers' amniotic fluid.  The faeries' gift of pure water is thus a potent one, cleaning and purifying the soul.  It is the gift of life.

     In times past, the water of faery springs was sought as a cure for infertility.  Fertility faeries, or Green Ladies, could become overenthusiastic in their work, however, enticing men into the woods, leading them on a merry dance, and leaving them exhausted...or worse.

     The water this faery holds out to you contains the gift of fertility.  It may induce fecundity of the spirit rather than of the body, a fecundity of creative inspiration and new ideas.