The life and times of Queen Victoria


Claudia Kelehan


Victoria (Queen) (1891-1901). Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and Empress of India (1876-1901). Born Alexandrina Victoria on May 24,1819, in Kensington Palace, London, Victoria was the daughter of Victoria Mary Louisa, daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld and Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, the forth son of George III. She ascended the throne on June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle, William IV, who had no legitimate children. At this stage she was an unknown figure, even by name, to most of her subjects. When she died on January 22, 1901, outliving the century, she was one of the best known figures, by reputation as well as name, not only in the United Kingdom but also in a greatly expanded British Empire and in the world, including the United States. Her region had been the longest in British history, and she had given her name to an age- age of Victorian Britain.

There had been no sense in 1837 of such an outcome. There was curiosity about what an 18-year-old queen was and would be like, but uncertainly about what, if anything, she could achieve. As it was, she was sensitively guided politically and socially by the aged Whig Prime Minister. William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, before on February 10, 1840, she married her first cousin Albert, Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Albert had been given more guidance by his tutors, not all of it sound, about the role he should play as her husband, than she had been given before she came to the throne. She had been dependent most on her German governess, Baroness Lehzen, who was first to tell her (at the age of 11) that she was Heiress Presumptive to the throne. Her father Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, youngest brother of William IV, had died in 1820, when Victoria was still an infant, and her German mother Victoria Mary Louisa had proved an ill-informed and difficult parent. Later in life, Victoria was to repeat many times that she was never happy until she was 18.

"Beloved Albert" brought her exception happiness until his early death on December 14 1861. The marriage, while an affair of state, was a love match, and the royal couple were seldom apart. They offered an example of family life that contrasted sharply with the earlier royal images of George IV and his brothers. Victoria and Albert had nine children; the first of them, Victoria, future German Empress, born on November 21, 1840, the second, the future Edward VII, born on November 9, 1841. They had limitations as parents, but their intentions were beyond reproach and they enjoyed their private lives, particularly at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, purchased in 1843, and Balmoral Castle in Scotland, acquired in 1852, and rebuilt on the basis of Albert’s designs. "God Knows", the Queen had written as early as 1844, "how willingly I would always live with my beloved Albert and our children in the quite retirement of private life, and not be the constant subject of observation." An aristocratic German visitor to Balmoral 11 years later, Helmuth Karl Von Moltke told his wife, "it is hard to believe that the most powerful monarch in the world can leave all court life so much behind. It is just plain family life here."

Queen Victoria’s constitutional power was always limited, and while her personal likes and dislikes influenced the selection of the cabinet and her views on political issues were forthright and shrewd, she never determined policy. Albert, who was always at her side whatever issues, particularly foreign policy, were being discussed, used his influence to persuade Victoria to accept his version of what a constitutional monarch should be. They both disliked Lord Palmerston and his policies, but they could never undermine his political leadership. They had been deeply concerned about British foreign policy in the lead up to the Crimean War- and Albert was very unpopular in the country- yet when it began they zealously supported British troops in action, as the Queen was always to do in the "small wars" in which the country was involved. It was 1856 that she instituted the Victoria Cross, the highest British award for military valour. Albert was given the title of Prince Consort in 1857.



Victoria was desperately lonely after Albert’s death in 1861 and retreated into a gloomy window wood, undergoing a nervous breakdown and shrinking from the public. The result was a barrage of criticism as sharp as Albert had had to face at the worst moments in his lifetime. On the third anniversary of his death, The Times declared that "the living have their claims as well as the dead; and what claims can be more important than those of a great nation, and the Society of the first European capitals?" in these circumstances, it was the Queens strong sense of duty and the much-vaunted power of her will that kept the monarchy alive. By the end of the region, with experience that reached deep into the past, she had endowed it with a new magic.

In one of her Prime Ministers, the conservative Benjamin Disraeli, who had done much to destroy Sir Robert Peel, one of Albert’s heroes, she found a leader who knew how to get the best out of her, and it was he who in 1876 persuaded Parliament (in face of liberal opposition) to pass a Royal Titles Act adding to the Queens titles that of Empress the India. If Disraeli was adept in understanding the Queen, she was incapable of understanding or appreciating the most authoritative of the Liberal Leaders of the late 19th century, William Ewart Gladstone, who in an age of increasing political party organizations was to survive Disraeli by a quarter of a century. When he became prime minister for the forth time in 1892 at over 80 years ago, he described his interview with her as "such as took place between Marie Antoinette and her executioner", and when he retired two years later she refused to thank him for his services to the country. She was shocked that Edward, then the Prince of Wales, with whom she was on bad terms, acted as a pallbearer at his funeral in 1897.

That year saw the second of the two great Jubilees, which suggested to the world just how strong the British monarchy was. That of 1887, the golden Jubilee, once more displayed the Queen to the public. She herself helped to organize it, at the thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey there were representatives from all parts of the empire. There was an even stronger imperial dimension to the Diamond Jubilee ten years later, when, as in 1887, thanksgiving services were held in every church, chapel and synagogue throughout Britain, and in many other parts of the world. At a private family thanksgiving in St George’s Chapel, Windsor, a different note was struck. A Te Deum with music written by Prince Albert was fervently sung. The celebrations ended with the Queen pressing an electric button that telegraphed a Jubilee message round the empire: "from my heart I thank my beloved people. May god bless them." The Queen had always liked new gadgets, the telephone as well as the telegraph. Old though she was, she had in this respect at least kept in touch with the changing times.

Between 1897 and 1901 there was one more very special occasion- a visit to Ireland in 1900, which she had last visited 39 years before. It was a part of the empire that had been at the Centre of British politics in the Gladstone years and was to remain so throughout much of the new century, which she herself did not celebrate. "I’m board with the future", she is said to have remarked in her old age, "and I don’t want to hear any more about it." The present itself was scarcely consoling. The South African Wars in South Africa, which began on October 12, 1899, brought with it a chain of unexpected military reverses and a burst of European oppositions. As in the past, the Queen staunchly supported her troops, and she drove in triumph through London after the siege of Ladysmith was broken on February 28, 1900. She saw through that year, which she called horrible-not because of the war or politics but because of the weather-and after a short but wearing illness died at Osborne. One of her last visitors was her grandson the German Emperor, William II, the Kaiser", who was to lead Germany against Britain during World War 1. He supported her pillow in her last two hours. He was on of the main figures at her impressive funeral, which was military in flavor, characterized by lavish pomp and ceremony. For most of her subjects, however, an age seemed to have come to an end, and for all the sorrowful tributes there were many people who looked forward not only to a new reign but a new future.


Short Qs 1


Floyd, E and Hindley, G, Makers Of History, Bloomsbury Books, London, 1989.

Hibbert, C, Queen Victoria, Harper Collins, London, 1994.

Zeepvat, C, Queen Victoria’s Family, Sutton publishing, 1998.

Short Qs 2


While completing this research topic the following skills were learnt.

  1. How to write up a bibliography.
  2. How to use foot notes.
  3. How to find books in local and school library’s.
  4. How to find information using the Internet.
  5. How to use Microsoft word.

Short Qs 3


One of the books used for this essay was Queen Victoria by Christopher Hibbert. Harper Collins published this book in 1994. Hibbert covers the history of when Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837 and died in 1901 at the age of nearly eighty-two. He shows how for more than 60 years she presided over 20 governments, and a country undergoing profound economics, social and political change. In "Queen Victoria: A Personal History" we see Victoria develop from the young, inexperienced Queen in thrall to the charming, cynical and devoted Melbourne, to the intimidating matriarch who so terrified members of her household that they were once seen scurrying away across the lawn at Sandringham, crying "The Queen! The Queen!" when she appeared unexpectedly at the garden door. Victoria and her ministers are brought vividly to life, as are all those whom the Queen came to know, to love, dislike, revere or denigrate, from her mothers friend Sir John Conroy to her own adored husband, Prince Albert, who patiently endured her petulant tantrums. This was a good book because it was based on wide variety of sources, including the Queens voluminous correspondence and intimate journals. During the researching of this essay the question of bias+subjectivity came up. This source seemed to give a balanced view of Queen Victoria it showed her fallings swell as the things she was good at.

Short Qs 4

Why was this topic worthy of study?

This topic was worthy of study because

  1. Queen Victoria was really the last important English monarch yet there is little information unlike Leaving Cert. book ones.
  2. She did visit Ireland during her region, yet little about this appears in Irish history books.