My Hopes for the 21st Century by Patrick Nulty

The last hundred years were the bloodiest and most destructive since time began. Two World Wars as well as the many Civil Wars have lead to the deaths of millions. The last century also saw the rise and fall of communism as well as the Cold War which followed World War Two. As we approach the Twenty First century things have never been better for the human race but there are still huge problems for humanity to overcome and my hopes for the resolution of some of these problems are as follows:

In the future I hope that the world's resources and assets are distributed equally regardless of religion, race, family background and so on. I believe that it is vital that the developed world does everything in its power to give practical and financial support to developing countries whenever or wherever it is necessary. I would also like to see the nation state decrease in importance as time goes by because I think that people should concentrate on collective problems rather than simply looking after their own selfish interests. I do recognize that there are a large number of ethnic groups in the world but I think it is important to realize that we are all human beings and should try and work together.

As we approach technological advance is moving at an astounding rate. It is now possible to contact someone on the other side of the world in seconds. Such contact would have taken months at the beginning of this century. It is very important for people in Government and positions of influence to make sure that advances in information technology are for all and not just a select few. Governments have got to make sure that schools and colleges are given proper facilities in which to work.

The environment is also a very important issue as we approach the next century. There is a lot of talk about global warming and its effect on the planet. I am no expert on this matter but I believe that we should respect and take care of our environment both in school and at home both locally and globally. Humanity should start to utilize renewable forms of energy like hydroelectric and solar power. I also think non-renewable forms of energy should be used sparingly and not wasted. I do not think nuclear power is advisable because the dangers and problems associated with it outweigh its advantages.

To conclude, I am optimistic about the future of this planet and its inhabitants and if some of my hopes become a reality in the next century become reality then one hundred years from now the next generations will be living in a more equitable, technologically advanced, and environmentally friendly world.