Winston Churchill; the Courageous Prime Minister by Samantha Kennedy.

Winston Churchill was born November 30, 1874 .He came from an important family. He was for example the eldest son of Lord Randolph Churchill and the American heiress Jennie Jerome.

Churchill graduated from the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. After he served in India and the Sudan he resigned his cavalry commission in 1899. He decided to become a correspondent during the Boer war.

Churchill became a national hero after he made a daring escape when he was captured. Due to this in 1900 he was elected to Parliament as a Conservative. Even though he had an aristocratic background, Churchill switched to the Liberal Party in 1904. Churchill became President of the Board of Trade in Asquiths Liberal cabinet in 1908. Later as home secretary, 1910-11, Churchill worked for Special reform in tandem with David Lloyd George. In 1911-15 Churchill was first lord of the admiralty. As

First lord of the admiralty Churchill was a vigorous modernizer of the navy.

Churchill’s role in World War 1 was controversial. This almost destroyed his career. He was forced to resign from the admiralty because of naval problems and his support of the disastrous Gallipoli campaign. He served as a battalion commander in France for a while. After that he joined Lloyd Georges coalition cabinet .He held lots of important positions in that cabinet. He was Minister of munitions and Secretary for war. Churchill was out of Parliament between 1922 and 1924. This was because of the collapse of Lloyd George and the Liberial Party in 1922. He came back into parliament in 1924 as Chancellor of the Exchequer in Stanley Baldwin's Conservative government. He was Chancellor of the Exchequer in Stanley Baldwins Conservative between 1924-29. As Chancellor he brought Britain back to the gold standard and he condemned the trade unions during the general strike of 1926.

During the depression years between 1926-39 Churchill was denied cabinet office because Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain didn’t like his opposition to self-government for India and his support of Edward VIII during the abdication crisis of 1936. Baldwin and Chamberlain could do this because they dominated the national government from 1931 to 1940. Another reason for Churchill being denied cabinet office was his insistence on the need for rearmament and his censure of Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler at Munich in 1938.

Churchill's views were finally appreciated when Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939. The public demanded his return to the admiralty.

Churchill became Prime Minister on May 10, 1940. He succeeded Chamberlain and became a courageous leader during World War 11. He encouraged the British to continue the fight during Dunkirk, the fall of France and the blitz by his powerful speeches. He is famous for saying, if the British Empire and its commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, this was their finest hour.

Churchill got help from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This meant that he had military aid and support from America. Churchill joined forces with Stalin the leader of the Soviet Union too. This was after the Soviet Union and America entered the war in 1941. He called this the Grand Alliance. Throughout the war Churchill did much to ensure Hitlers defeat. His most important conference was with Roosevelt and Stalin in 1945 at Alta. 1945 admired him throughout the world. Labour Party in the election of 1945 defeated him though, because he failed to listen to the publics popular demands for post war social change.

Churchill criticised the welfare state reforms of Labour under his successor Clement Attila and he warned of dangers of the Soviet Union expanding into Europe. Churchill later became Prime Minister again from 1951 to 1955. This times he didn’t lead the people well. He wasn’t as good with his speeches because of old age and poor health. In 1955 Churchill decided to resign because of his poor health and old age. He spent the last few years of his life painting and writing.

Churchill was a historian too. His most famous works are The World Crisis, My Early life, Marlborough, The Second World War and A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. He was a good writer. We know this because he received the Nobel Prise for literature and a knighthood in 1953.

Churchill lived a long life. He died at the age of 90. He died on January 24,1965. He had a state funeral and was buried at Blazon near Blenheim Palace. His death marked the end of an era in British history. Churchill saw and participated in Britains transformation from empire to welfare state and he saw Britain loose world power and he lived through the greatest conflict the world has ever seen, World War One and Two.

So altogether you could say that Churchill was a stubborn and courageous leader because he never gave up and knew how to win the public over.

Bibliography: Churchill, Winston. The World Crisis. Republished by Faber books in London in 1994.

Churchill, Winston. My Early Life. Republished by Faber books in London in 1994. Churchill, Winston. Marlborough. Republished by Faber books in London in 1994.

Churchill, Winston. The Second World War. Republished by Faber books in London in 1994.

Internet Source:

Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, Microsoft Encarter®98 Encyclopaedia [C] 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.


One of the sources used for this essay was The Second World War. This was written by Winston Churchill and republished by Faber books in London in 1994. It was a good source because it had plenty of information on World War 11 and the role Churchill played. It was easy to understand and it had plenty of primary material and a good bibliography. I was able to find more information because of this.


From this project I learned how to use a computer .For example I learned how to use the internet To get all the information that I needed to write this essay I had to find books on the subject and learn new things .I found these books in my local library and in the school library. The next thing I had to do was to learn how to read up on books and how to put it into my own words.

2 Reasons why this topic was worthy of study are:

1:It thought me more about World War 11.

2:It me more about the role Winston Churchill played in World War 11.