
I decided to do an essay on Oskar Shindlers because I had seen the film about   Schindler’s list and thought it would make a good project for my leaving cert.


  1. To find out about his early life.
  2. To work on how he got to Poland during the war.
  3. To find out why he decided to help the Jews.
  4. To find out how he helped save them.
  5. To find out what happened him after the war            .          

To get information I went onto the internet. And these wore                                          1.www.schindlers                                                                                                      2.The life of Oskar Schindler

The book I read on him was Schindlers list (arh) by Thomas Keneally. This book covers the history of Oskar Schindler during the war and was made into a movie by Stephan Spilsberg. I wrote up a plan and i typed up my essay.

Part 3

Review of sources. Here are my sources. My websites wore

1.              Www. Schindlers                                                                                                        2.The life of Oskar Schindler                                                                                                        3.Www.

And the book I used was Schindlers arh by Thomas Keneally.






In December 1939, occupied Poland was being torn apart and Oskar Schindler   was on the bad side he did not care for nobody and nothing just in it to win it! He would be cruel and mean but it didn’t seem right. He had a conscience but it never showed.

Before the war, Poland had been a safe haven for Jews—Krakow's Jewish population was   over 50,000. Then all of that changed when Germany struck they tore it apart. Destruction started and the Germans Wore cruel and merciless. Jews were put in to groups of lots of people and they wore beaten and humiliated constantly. They was one man who was so hungry for money and was a womeniser, he cause a lot of the pain to the Jews and he went by the name of Oskar Schindler.

Schindler was born April 28, 1908.astria-Hungary, it’s now Moravia in the Czech Republic. Schindler grew up with everything money could buy. His exploits with women are the stuff of bedroom legend. He was catholic but was always in a world where bad things wore done. He was aware of the bad things in the world.

Schindler married a woman at the age of 19 her name was Emilie Pelzl. Oskar may have been married but he always had other women in the side for fun. He gambled allot and won a lot   but lost more than what he one. He was a working man who had money. So he wasn’t afraid to spend it. He new he could afford it.

Never one to miss a chance to make money, he went to Poland and went straight to the black markets to make “friends” with the right people (Gestapo Bigwigs). He sweetened them up with women and alcohol. Using his connections he opened a factory with the cheapest paying rates who happened to be the Jewish. Who needed the money so couldn’t complain about the prices the wore being paid.

At first he seemed like everybody else just in it for money and power, driven by profit and unmoved by the means of his profiteering. But somewhere along the line it changed he changed. He done what he set out to do he made his money, but by the end of the war he had spent everything he made on keeping 1,300 Jewish men and women alive. “He negotiated the salvation of his 1,300 Jews by operating right at the heart of the system using all the tools to help him such as—bribery, black marketeering and lies,” said Thomas Keneally, whose book about this paradoxical man was the basis of the movie Schindler's List. He started to show his true good side in Schindler’s List.

Not long after getting his “Emalia” factory—which produced enamel goods and munitions to supply the German front—when it started when Schindler brought the Jews to death camp, began in earnest. Schindler's accountant (who was Jewish) put him in touch with the few Jews with any money. They invested in his factory, and in return for investing in the factory they got to work there and perhaps got to keep there lifes . He was persuaded to hire more Jewish workers, designating their skills as “essential,” paying off the Nazis so they would allow them to stay in Krakow. Schindler was making money, but everyone in his factory was fed, no-one was beaten, no-one was killed. It became an oasis of humanity in a desert of moral torpor. Wasn’t the way they use to be beaten and humiliated.

As the brutality of the holocaust escalated, Schindler's protection of his Jewish workers became increasingly active. In the summer of 1942, he witnessed a German raid on the Jewish ghetto. Watching innocent people being packed onto trains bound for certain death, something awakened in him. “Beyond this day, no thinking person could fail to see what would happen,” he said later. “I was now resolved to do everything in my power to defeat the system.” He felt sorry for them, he new they wore defencesless people.

By the autumn of 1944, Germany's power over Poland was getting weaker. As the Russian army came, the Nazi's tried desperately to complete their program of liquidation and sent all the left over Jews to die. But Schindler remained true to the “Schindlerjuden,” the workers he referred to as “my children.” He did do what he promised he protected who he could.

After the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto and the transfer of many Jews to the Plaszow concentration camp, Schindler used his influence to set up a branch of the camp for 900 Jewish workers in his factory compound in Zablocie and made his now famous list of the workers he would need for its operation. The ones he was going to save wore the people on his list.

The factory operated in its new location a year, making bullets for German guns. Conditions were very bad not good, Not only for the workers but for Schindler as well. But Schindler saved best of his workers when he changed his factory to Brunnlitz (Sudetenland) that was in October 1944.

When the war ended, Schindler went to Argentina with his wife and a handful of his workers and he bought a farm. But in 1958, he left everything his land, his wife and his mistress to return to Germany. He spent the remaining years of his life shifting between Germany and Israel, where he was honored and taken care of by his “Schindlerjuden.”

He died in Hildesheim in 1974. and people no his story will die with him but people don’t care bout why he did it  because the way they see it is he saved most of there life’s either way and they so great full for what he did for them.

It was against what Ockars country went by they didn’t have sympathy for the Jewish people but it wasn’t like that for him he had a heart and felt terrible so he felt like he had to help them because he could and the question is not important but its wondering why are the rest not?? More people should have stepped up thank god for the help Oskar brought.

The movie of Schindlers List was made in Poland and it was brought out in 1993 by Stephan Spielberg. After the release of his breathtaking and important film Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg established the Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education. There, on film, are recorded the memories of eye witnesses to a systematic, deliberate, and nearly successful attempted genocide by Adolph Hitler. Six million Jews were murdered in Eastern Europe during what is commonly called The Holocaust, but what is in Hebrew, and within the Jewish community called The Shoah — the destruction.

The movie shows how things turn from terrible to civil and how Oskar Schindler saved the 1300 Jews. The memory still lives on of Schindler and the memory of all the Jews who lost there lifes in the death camps. The movie and book were both great.


By Ciara Carey