ECDL at Riversdale Community College

The European Computer Driving License.

Riversdale Community College this year achieved accreditation as a centre for the European Computer Driving License programme. The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is a certificate, which indicates that the holder has passed one theoretical test, which assesses his or her knowledge of the basic concepts of information technology, and six practical tests - which assess the holder's competence in using the computer.

The Computer Driving Licence is an internationally accepted document. The overall objective of the ECDL programme is a general improvement in the basic knowledge of computers and a higher level of competence in computing throughout Europe.

The ECDL Modules/Examinations The ECDL is awarded on the successful completion of one Theoretical test and six Practical tests. The domains covered are the following:
Theoretical Test - The Basic Concepts of Information Technology - the first basic requirement of competence in computing is to understand the context for computer-based applications in society and the key concepts of computers.
The Six Practical Tests:
Using the Computer and Managing Files - it is important to understand the basic housekeeping functions required for the efficient use of the computer.
Word processing - using the computer for the creation, editing, formatting, storing and printing of a document. Most documents used today are produced by word processing applications.
Spreadsheets - similar to a manual spreadsheet, with the ability to perform calculations rapidly. It is used in preparing budgets, producing forecasts, business graphics and financial reports.
Databases/Filing Systems - assists in the organisation of large volumes of data to allow fast and flexible access to that data.
Presentation - graphics have always been an important tool for architects, engineers, illustrators and designers. The use of computer-based presentation tools has grown in many application areas to support effective communication. These tools are used extensively in business and in teaching.
Information Network Services - the use of networks has grown from a desire to share resources and to communicate with others. Today, millions of computers are connected together around the world. It is important that ECDL holders can make effective use of the “Information Super Highway”.

The programme is currently offered as an integral part of the Teleservices PLC course run at the college and it is hoped to extend this provision to the PLC catering course next year. If timetabling allows, it is hoped that the programme will be offered to students attending the school as part of the senior cycle syllabus. It is recognised that information technology is a part of both personal and working life and this is a great opportunity for students to achieve a recognised qualification in computers before they leave school.

ECDL Ireland
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