I decided to do an essay on the early life of JFK because I had seen a

programme about him on television and thought it would make a good essay.

My aims were -

1 To find out about his childhood

2 To find out his education

3 To find about his life before World War 2

4 To find about what he did during world war 2 and

5 To find out about his family.


After I picked my essay I went and got information from the

Internet and from some books A list  of  all sources is to be found at the back of the essay.I drew up a plan and creat up my essay on the computer



For my essay I got information from a websites.The websites I used were

1 www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents

2 www.spartacus.school/net.co

3 www.biography.com.


The first website had information on all the American presidents.

It did his life from his birth all to his death.It was a good like to start which because it covered his whole life but it did not do his early life in detail.


The second website covered his whole life but it had lots of photograhs.His early life was not done in detail.


The last white was very useful because it had lot of information on his early life.It  also had a timeline which was very useful.





Kennedy was born at 83 Beals Street in Brookline, Massachusetts on Tuesday, May 29, 1917, at 3.00 p.m.He was the second son of Joseph P.Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald. Rose, in turn, was the eldest child of John Honey Fitzkennedy, who was to be the first U.S. president born in the twentieth century. .


 In September 1927 Kennedy moved with his family to a rented 20 room mansion in Riverdale, Bronx, New York City Two years later his moved five miles northeast to a 21 room mansion in Bronxville. Kennedy spent summers with his family at home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts[ bought in 1929 and Christmas and Easter  holidays with his family at their winter home in Palm Beach. In his primary school years ,he attended Riverdale country school,a private school for boys in Riverdale. From 5th through 7th grade the 13 years old Kennedy was sent fifty miles away to Canterbury school.In January 1934 he became ill, lost a lot of weight, and went to hospital at Yale-new heaven hospital and spent most of June 1934 at the Mayo clinic in Rochester. He graduated in June 1935. Kennedy was voted in his year book  most likely to become president. In September 1935 ,he sailed on the SS Normandy on his first trip abroad with his parents to London with the plan of studying for a year with professor Harold Laski at the London school of economics. He sailed back to America only three weeks after he arrived. In October 1935, Kennedy enrolled late and spent six weeks at Princeton University, but was hospitalised for two months observation for possible leukemia at Peter Bent Brigham hospital in Boston in January and February 1936. He Recovered at the Kennedy winter home in palm. He spent April, May and June working as a ranch hand on a 40,000 acre [160km2] cattle calle ranch outside Benson, Arizona Then July and August racing sailboats at the Kennedy summer home in Hyannisport. In September 1936 he enrolled as a freshman at Harvard college, living in Winthrop house during his time there following two years behind his older brother Joe. In early July 1937, Kennedy took his car, sailed on the SS Washington to France and spent ten weeks driving with his friend through France, Italy, Germany, Holland and England. In late June 1938, Kennedy sailed with his father and brother Joe on the SS Normandy to spend July working with his family at a villa near Cannes from February through September 1939. Kennedy toured Europe, the Soviet Union, the Balkans and the Middle East to gather background information for his Harvard senior honors thesis. He spend  ten days of august In Czechoslovakia and Germany before returning to London on September 1, 1939, the day Germany invaded Poland. On September 3, 1939, Kennedy and family went to the House of Commons to hear speeches in support of the United kingdom’s declaration of war on Germany. Kennedy was sent by his father’s representative to help with arrangement for American survivors of the SSAsthenia , before flying back to the U.S.  from Foynes, Ireland to Port Washington New York on his first transatlantic flight at the end of September


In 1940, Kennedy completed his thesis, ‘Appeasement in Munich’, about British part in the Munich Agreement. He wanted to heeh his project private, but his father encouraged him to publish it as a book. He graduated cum laude from Harvard with a degree in international affairs in June 1940, and his thesis was published in June 1940 as a book entitled While England Slept,  and became a bestseller.


Fron September to December 1940, Kennedy was enrolled and  at the Stanford Graduate School of business. In early 1941, he helped his father complete the writing of a memoir of his time as an American ambassador. In May June 1941, Kennedy traveled throughout South American.


In the spring of 1941, Kennedy volunteered for the U.S. Army, but was not accepted mainly because of his  back. Nevertheless, in September of that year, the U.S. Navy accepted him, due to the influenceof his father. As an ensign, Kennedy worked in the office which supplied  information for the secretary of the navy.It was during this job that the attack on Pearl Harbor happened. He went to the Naval Reserve officers Training school and motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center before being sent for duty in panama and eventually the Pacific. He had manycommands in the pacific  and earned the rank of lieutenant, commanding a patrol torpedo


On August 2, 1943, Kennedy’s boat, the PT-109, was taking part in a nighttime patrol near New Georgia in the Solomon Islands . It was rammed by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. Kennedy was thrown across the deck, injuring his already-trouble back He swam, towing a wounded man, to an island and later to a second island where his crew was  rescued. For these bravery, Kennedy received the Navy Marine corps Medal.


Kennedy’s other medal in World War 2 included the Purple Heart,  and the World War 2 Victory Medal. He was honorably discharged in early 1945, just a few months before Japan surrendered


During his presidency kennedy Privately admitted to friends that he did not feel that he deserved the medals he had received, because the PT-109 incident had been the result of a tailed military operation that took the lives of two  of his crew.After the war he began his career in Politics and the began his path to the white house.