ACCESS TO EDUCATION WHATS IT ALL ABOUT? WHY SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED? "Education qualifications have become the currency for employment." The occupation structure within the Irish economy Has changed dramatically over recent decades. Agriclture And manufacturing are no longer the champions of employment opportunities for those who lack advanced education and training. The Celtic tiger is roaring and Providing excellent employment opportunities for with technical and professional qualifications. More so today than ever-educational qualifications have become the currency for employment .The type of lifestyle a young Person can look forward to is very much related to his/her standard of educaton, thus access to education at all levels and equality of opportunity are crucial In determining a young person’s future. "EDUCATION EQUATES VERY MUCH WITH LIFESTYLES AND LIFE CHANCES." A review of the most recent labor force survey highlights the high levels of unemployment amongst early school levers, particularly in evidence amongst Those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Employment opportunities increase significantly for those with second level education. For much education is viewed as An investment which yields economic returns. Education equates very much with lifestyles and life chances. Never before has there been such a direct link between educational attainment and the impact it has on the quality of an individuals life and the impact it has on the quality of an individuals life and the broader life of the community. "Working class people are grossly underrepresented in our third level colleges." In Ireland of the late 1990s, four decades on since Donagh O'Malley, the minister for education introduced free second level education and almost just a year since free third level education has been introduced, social class inequalities still predominant In