The member of the care of the earth club believe that each of us has a responsibility for the care and preservation of our planet we see the earth as a gift from god given to us in trust to nurture and conserve for the next generation The god who rejoices in the beauty of the lilies of the field and who cares for the smallest of his creature -not even a sparrow falls to the ground without his knowledge - invites us to live in harmony with nature, not exporting it but rather enhancing it by using our skills and talents to share in his creative work. We hear much today about air and water pollution, the wasteful destruction of the tropical rain forests the many endangered species of plant and animal life. In fact the environmental crisis has become a worldwide issue. Ireland, particularly Dublin has a serious problem. In a recent article in the Irish times entitled; Dublin’s urged to cut their domestic waste to avert landfills site crisis; a senior Dublin Corporation official was quoted as saying ''The average family produces a tonnes of waste a year and unless this is reduced Dublin will face a major waste disposal crisis soon''.The article ended with a few suggestion for reducing Dublin's waste mountain.Here are a few of them; .Avoid over-packaged convenience foods .Buy in bulk where possible .Choose products packaged in recyclable materials .Re-use plastic carrier bags .Better still,say "no" to plastic bags. We