CREATIVE LABS I On Tuesday 31 March; Ms Cowlard and our Fifth year group visited Creative Labs in Ballycoolan Industrial Estate. Creative Labs is a European Company with its headquarters in Dublin and centers in Singapore and the far east. The Singapore company specialize in Software Department, while the Irish branch cares for personal computers. Their Latest card is the Voodoo 2. Our guides for the morning were Eimear. She showed us around the plant. Daphine, the human Resource Manger; talked to us about the different jobs they have to offer. They have different departments in the company; the purchasing departments ;Material and planning departments ;Customer Service Departments; Quality Control Department. Other jobs they have to offer are the Production and Assembly line who product more than 7190 products daily and have produced 1.8 million products since July last year. Product have a shelf life span of only a few weeks. The Human Resource Department specializes in hiring suitable people for different positions. They also have a Technical Support Center which communicates which customers all over the world. They speak in world wide languages such as French, German, Finnish etc. Our visit to Creative Labs opened my eyes to