Home School Community Liaison in Riversdale Community College

The home school community liaison scheme has been running in Riversdale community college since 1991 and this is the second year that I’ve co-ordinator of the scheme. The purpose of home school community liaison is to provide support to parents as the primary educators of their children. The scheme at primary and post -primary level encourage as many parents as possible to become actively involved in their children education. The service is a support not only to parent's but to teachers and the wider community as well.


Since last the college has extended its open door policy even further. The parents' room, though small, has been a comfortable, relaxing place where parents can meet each other, the H.S.C.L. co-ordinator and other teachers. The kitchen area in the room is at the disposal of parents for making tea and coffee (etc). So please feel free to drop in and make use of your facility. Who knows you might get involved in some of the courses!


A number of regular courses have developed and are now running successfully since last year. The main course is cookery (very popular with parents) every Thursday morning. These classes, run by Marie Kerby, cover a huge range of menus. These are demonstration classes and are not only informative but also thoroughly enjoyable yet the ingredients are not expensive! Having indulged in the excesses of the Thursday cuisine you can work off the flab on Friday mornings in Bernie McLoughlin's keep fit class? Another very successful workshop run during the second term was a women’s health course covering areas such as stress management, nutrition, vitimens, P.M.T. and parenting.


Riversdales parents and teachers are certainly way ahead of the government education act when it comes to parents and teachers sitting down together and making policy. A number of sessions were organized so that we could up with the bones of a framework for a future document relating to a home school community programme for Riversdale community college. Some of the findings from the parents and teachers meetings were:

*We believe that a high level of co-operation and support between home and school must exist to promote a happy, creative and productive learning environment.

*A home-school policy must reflect the very positive attitudes of the colleges, parents and teachers.

*Mutual support offered and given by parents to each other is vital to the development of the students.

*Communication and the extension of lines of communication amongst the partners will be central to the document, as communication is vital to the preventing misunderstanding and conflict.

*Support services in the college, for example H.S.C.L., guidence and counselling, chaplain, spiritual development and pastoral care are all seen as very positive and must be explained clearly to prospective parents.

*Meeting socially fosters good relations between parents and teachers.

-MR.A.FENNASSY. Home School Community Liaison Co-Ordinator.