
                                         JOANNE LYNCH                                                                                                                   

                          RIVERSDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE



 Sir Winston Churchill was born on November 30 1874. His parents were Randolph

Churchill and Jennie Jerome. He went to school at Harrow school and then became

a cadet at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. He later dropped out in Febuary

1895 as a second lieutenant in the Fourth Queen’s Own Hussars. He served as a

cavarly officer in India and the Sudan, where he rode in the cavalry charge at

Omdurman in 1898 under the command of Herbert Kitchener. He wanted to become a newspaper correspondent in the South African Wars (the Boer Wars). After he was captured by the Boers, he escaped from prison he was made a national hero and in 1900 he was elected to parliament as Conservation Member of parliament(MP)Oldham.                                                                                                        


In 1904 he went over to the Liberal Party, having broken with the

Conservaties on the issue of free trade.This angered his constituents. Having found a new Manchester seat to contest he swept back into parliament in the Liberal

“landslide” of 1906. In 1908 he became president of the Board of Trade in the

Liberal cabient of Herbert Henry Asquith, where he worked closely with the radical

Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, in promoting social reform.


After a while as secretary (1910-1911), during which he pursured the same policies, he became First Lord of Admiralty (1911-1915). Before World War 1 he had insisted on maintaining the British Navy superiorty over that of its nearest rival, the German Navy, against the pressure of Cabinet economizers like Lloyd George for reductions in the naval estimates.

Young Winston Churchill (With permission of Dominic Winter Book Auctions)


Churchill’s role in World War One was controversial and almost desroyed his career.He was an energetic First Lord, but his sponsorship of the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign and the subsequent failure of the Anglo-French fleets to force the Dardanelles Strait led Asquith to the powerless office of Chancellor of the Duchy of

Lancaster in May 1915. Deprived of any influence on the war, he resigned from this

post in disgust in November. Following service as a battalion commander on the Western Front, he was brought back to political life in 1917 by the new Prime Minister, Lloyd George, who appointed him Minister of Munitions. After the war he

served in Lloyd George’s coalition Cabinet from 1919 to 1922, as Secretary for War and Air and as Colonial Secretary. The collapse of Lloyd George’s government in the September 1922, after a war scare over Turkey in which Churchill played a

typically bellicose role, left him out of office and out of parliament. He lost his seat

at the subsequent general election and was not returned to parliament until October

1924, as “Constitutionalist” (Conservative) MP for Epping. Much to his surprise

the Conservative prime minister, Stanley Baldwin, offered him the post of Chansellor of the Exchequer, where he demonstrated his new Conservative credentials by returning Britain to the gold standard and vigorously condemning

the trade unions during the 1926 General Strike.


From 1929, when Baldwin’s government fell, until 1939, Churchill found himself

back in the political wilderness. His outspoken opposition to the Indian nationalist

movement and his support for Edward VIII during the 1936 abdication crisis alienated Baldwin, who now regarded Churchill as a political liability, while his subsequent clamour for rearmament and his attacks on appeasement, particularly in 1938, earned him the implacable hostility of Neville Chamberlain, who dominated the 1931-1940 National governments.


When Chamberlain was forced to declare war on Germany in September 1939, Churchill’s previous warnings about German ambitions were vindicated, and public pressure led Chamberlain to bring him into the war Cabinet as First Lord of the Admiralty. There he proved to be as energetic as he had in 1914, but curiously it was his championing of another disastrous amphibious operation, the Anglo-French expedition to Norway to take Narvik, which led to Chamberlain’s resigation in 1940. Many Conservaties blamed the Prime Minister, not the First Lord, for the debacle-and to Churchill’s replacing him on May 10, 1940, in a coalition government with all-party support.


Churchill was undoubtedly an inspiration wartime leader. His pugnacity and rousing speeches rallied the nation to continue the fight after the fall of France and the Evacuation of Dunkirk. During the dark days of 1940, through the Battle of Britain and the Blitz when Britain stood alone against the Axis Powers, he urged his compatriots to conduct themselves so that, “if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say: ‘This was their finest hour.’ He successfully resisted pressure from inside the War Cabinet for a compromise peace with Germany in May 1940 and placed his hopes for eventual victory on the intervention of the United States in the war on Britain’s side. There was little sign of this during the summer of 1940, but with the successful outcome of the Battle of Britain, President Franklin D. Roosvelt decided to support Britain, not by direct American intervention but with naval assistance and military lend-lease aid. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, Churchill welcomed this new adherent to the Allied cause, this despite his implacable hostility towards the Soviet regime in the 1920’s. He was overjoyed when the United States enteredthe war in December 1941 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Chuchill established close ties with Roosevelt and the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, forming a triumvirate at the head of what he termed the “Grand Alliance”. Travelling ceaselessly, he laboured to coordinate military strategy against Adolf Hitler and the Axis.


For a time Roosevelt generally adopted Churchill’s strategic ideas, such as the prime minister’s invasion of North Africa in 1942 instead of a cross-Channel assault, which the American army chiefs wanted. However after 1943, as the United States had become immeasurably more powerful, Churchill was forced increasingly to accept American-imposed war plans, despite his vigorous courting of Roosevelt by means of face-to-face meetings in the United States, Canada, and North Africa. Churchill’s warnings after the Yalta Conference in early 1945 about Stalin’s European ambitions were ignored-Roosevelt wanted to work with Stalin for a peaceful post-war order. British general election’s were held during the Potsdam Conference, the last great “Big Three” conference in thye summer of 1945, with Churchill present for part of the time. Given his popularity as wartime leade, he was not expected to be defeated at the election. However, the Labour Party won by a landslide. British public opinion was alienated by Churchill’s repugnance for social and economic reform, nor did it wish to return to the slump and unemployment of the 1930’s with which the Conservatives were now identified. Winston Churchill


Churchill’s death in 1965 marked the end of  an era in British history. Born into an aristocratic family, he participated in Britain’s transformation from british empire to welfare state and its decline as a world power, developments which he bitterly regretted. He is particularly remembered for his courageous stand as Prime Minister in 1940 and 1941, when Britain stood alone against perhaps the most dangerous adversary it had faced in its long history.


Short questions

 Question One: Review          

 Churchill:A Biography Roy Jenkins


One of the books used for this essay was Churchill by Roy Jenkins. This is an exhaustive biographical picture of one of the most enigmatic figures of the 20th century. From the admiralty to the miner’s strike, from the Battle of Britain to the Nobel Prize, Churchill oversaw some of the most important events the world has ever seen. Roy Jenkins presents these events, while also managing to convey the contradictions and quirks in Churchill’s character.


Book buyers will never tire of reading about Winston Churchill, for “the greatest adventure of modern political history” led a life of action-packed drama and global significance. Roy Jenkins’ Churchill is the latest biography of this great Briton, following closely in the tailwind of Geoffrey Best’s Churchill:A study in Greatness. Where Best restore altitude to Churchill’s dipping reputation, seeing off academic critics of the last decade or so, Jenkins provides a jumbo-size old-fashioned biography, lauding his subject’s achievements, sympathising with his quirks, and stepping light over his well-known mistakes. As he did in his earlier biographhioned biography, lauding his well-known mistakes. As he did in his earlier biographies of Dilke, Asquith and Gladstone, Jenkins sticks closely on the published record, utilising in particular the definitive researches of Martin Gilbert, but he brings the authority and the inside knowledge of British politics to his book, slipping in his own memories of Churchill, and his own comparable experience sat the Cabient table. It is all here, from the Boer Wars to the nuclear bomb, from the husting in Oldham to the diplomacy of Yalta, with due coverage of the big moments—at the Board of Trade and at the Admiralty in Asquith`s peacetime and wartime cabients, taking on the appeasers in the 1930s and Hitler in the 1940s.  


Perhaps the greatest tribute to the work of author Roy Jenkins is that, at times, he seemed to know what Winston Churchill was actually thinking- and you`re pretty sure he`s right.When the mind you`re reading about belongs to perhaps the greatest Prime Minister in history of Great Britain, Noble-prize winner Winston Churchill, that is a pretty impressive accomplishment. Jenkins` biography is essentially unsentimental, and reveals Churchill`s idiosyncrasies and errors in an honest manner that serves only to elevate, rather than tarnish, the legacy of the man who rallied the free world to resist the tyranny of National Socialism.


Short Question Two


Gilbert, Martin. Second World War, Fontana/Collins, London, 1990.

Jenkins, Roy. Churchill, Penguine, London, 1999.

Question Three :Skills

Studying for my history project, I was introduced to the skills of research.


1. While doing my project I have learnt to look book’s in my local libraries to find suitable book’s on my project.

2. By using the internet I found more information for my essay.

3. I new learnt skills on microsoft word.

4. I have also learnt to read and compare many different sources for my project.



Question Four :


1. When we came back in January in transition year i learnt about the essay and what procentage it held.

2. I was given a week to think about a topic.

3. I went to my local library and got book`s that were about my project

I was doing.

4. Then I went on the Internet to look up more information for my project.

5. Then I searched Microsoft Incarta and found information related to my project.

6. Then I read the book information from the internet.

7. Then I got all my information about my essay then planed it out and wrote out my first draft and then I added in my own bit`s from other book`s and checked the dates.

 8. I typed it up on Microsoft Word then I made change`s and correction`s and then printed it out.

9. When I printed it out I put it up on the school website.