Principals Address

It is a great privilege for me as the Principal of Riversdale Community College to write this address for the College Website and Yearbook.

On behalf of the Board of Management and myself, I would like to express my appreciation to the many pupils, parents and teaching staff, especially the Yearbook Committee and Website Committee who have been involved in this year’s production.

This year started off very well with excellent Leaving Certificate and Junior Certificate results in August and September respectively. It was also a unique year for the new Leaving Certificate Applied students whose results lived up to our high expectations of them.

There were a number of highlights in the first term including the acceptance of sixteen of our students into the College of Music and the Music for All concert which ran this year for two nights and involved the whole community. In addition the School Brass Band performed on the Pat Kenny radio show and at the moment plans are well underway to ensure that the band participate in the Saint Patrick’s day parade in Dallas in 1999.

The face of Blanchardstown has changed dramatically over the past few years with the increase in the number of high tech industries, especially IBM which has moved into the area. The College realises that these changes are taking place and as a result organised an Open Day for Business and Financial institutions in the Dublin 15 area last year. This event afforded the College the opportunity to inform these companies of the variety of programmes we offer in Riversdale. As a result we have linked with IBM through the Transition Year Programme and our Teleservices PLC course. This link we hope will have long-term benefits for our pupils. The siting of the new RTC or Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown(ITB) as it will be called , should also enhance our students’ chances of access to third level education on our doorstep.

It is the policy of the College to ensure that pupils reach their full potential and as a result supervised study is organised three nights per week and a very successful Revision Course was organised at Easter for sixth year students,

The contributions of parents through the Parent Teacher Association, Board of Management and the Home School Liaison Programme has all greatly added to the success of Riversdale and I would like to thank all concerned.

As always, extra curricular activities form an important part of school life and it must be acknowledged that teachers give most generously of their time to organise these activities.

A special word of thanks must go to the teaching staff who always have the best interests of the pupils at heart. Likewise the caretaker staff and the Communtiy Employment Scheme workers who ensure that the building and grounds are maintained to a very high standard. The office tends to be the nerve centre of the College and we are fortunate to have the services of Ms Cora Bracken who was newly appointed in August.

Finally as the year begins I would like to wish all those sitting their Junior and Leaving and Leaving Certificate Applied every success in their examinations and wish those continuing with their courses towards examinations in years hence a successful year.

Noel Gildea,

