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The Garden

Wellcome to the garden! A place of more gentle poems, a little lighter than the other pages. enjoy:

The Special Place

Far beyond this world

There lies its double
The same in many ways
Yet so different

It is natural in all ways

Unlittered with selfishness and pain
But bright and sunny, like a dream
I've been there many times
To slip away from reality

Thousands of rivers, lakes, and streams

Accompany it's forests
And the only reason to be mad,
Must be insanity

The only way to reach this place

Is not across hill and under tree
But you must surrender to it
Do it's will with pride

For this enchanting place, is love


The smell of earth
More signs of birth
The dawning of Spring.

Snow melts
And the joyous sun triumphs
All is adorned in beauty.

Willows unfurl silky branches

Flowers tip up their crowned heads.

All is at peace

New harmony is born
For it is Spring.

Wind Dance

You blow away the tears

Leave my mind aflutter
Disrupted like genius death

Yet freed so spectacularly

My life feels full once more
It's time to dance my last

I lie in you substance

Soak into my soul
Soon it shall be too late

Yet the fragments so true

Shall be remembered all well
Like the winds triumphant dance

St. Valentines Day Masacre

Love fills the heart, to such an extent

It feels fit to burst
Yet somehow in a good way

And then it does

And unrequited love fills the empty spaces

Like spores filling the air
And Days of importance
-Days of rememberance
Come along
And Valentines Day comes along

And the one thing your supposed to celebrate

Is broken and scarred
-And killed
And all because of love
And all because of celebration
Like a masacre of your entire life at once.

When the only things left to celebrate

Are enevitable death, and lost love
And they're one in the same.


Sometimes I think I could happily die
Just by tasting a single tear.
It doesn't feel bad, or poisoned in the least
But there's more than meets what falls from the eye.

There is so much pain

Loves lost and found,
And found but unable to be taken
And all these exist within me
Truly ready to explode out.

But no shrapnel

No explosion,
Just tiny tears streaming down
Not enough to even drown
Yet they somehow drown your soul.

Nothing so simple could hurt so much

The concentration must be that to kill,
So I shall drink a single tear.
And all the pain
Will arise much more
Not having the eye to shield it's power,

And I shall die

And I shall cry-
no more.

The Flower Images courtesy of the Santalady

