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January 23, 2000



In the year 2004, time travel is not only a reality, it's an opportunity- for criminals of the future to alter the past for profit and power. Internation superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme stars in this sci-fi action-thriller as embittered timecop Max Walker- toughest member of the elite "Time Enforcement Commission" which was created to enforce one simle rule: No One Goes Back. But Walker may have met his match in the person of Senator McComb a corrupt ruthless politician who;s determined to reinvent history, get rich and buy his way into the White House. Walker's relentless pursuit leads him to the year 1994, where he is confronted by an even more powerful force: his own interrupted past with beautiful wife Mellisa(Mia Sara).

Can Walker resist the impulse to change his own future and still battle an evil that threatens to rip apart the very fabric of time itself?


Van Damme's english is still not that great but he does give one of his most outstanding performances as Max Walker. Ron Silver is great as the evil Senator McComb and Mia Sara gives a swell performances as Walker's wife Melissa.

Great original story by Mike Richardson & Mark Verheiden.

Peter Hyams(END OF DAYS) captures your attention at the beginning of the film and keeps you thinking till the end of the movie...

Perfectly scripted by Mark Verheiden

Reason Behind the Rating:

Melissa breast are shown during a sex scene, Max's backside also shown. Full frontal nudity of a women in a virtual reality program.

Dozens of fatal shootings...A man jumps out of a building and falls to his death...Explosions, electracutions, stabings and bloody fights. Senator McComb from the past and future are thrown into eachother where the melt together into a messy blob...A mans arm is frozen and then kicked off.

Brief strong language.

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