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The APA Texas Open Powerlifting Championships & Bench Press event held in Houston was a great success. Special thanks to all the students of Revere Middle School who put in a long day helping out and Tom McCullough who put in endless hours making sure the event turned out ok.
Biggest lifts of the day were a 780 squat by David Muns which took the submasters class. Biggest Deadlift of the day was 770 by Tom McCullough which set a new Masters 275 class world record. Tom weighed in at a lean 273 and had put in a long day officiating when he decided to do a guest lift for the kids at Revere School where he also teaches. Biggest Bench Press was 520 and a near miss with 530 by David Menchaca which won the master class in the bench press. Highest total of the day was 1945 which was set by David Muns for an APA Texas submaster record in the 275's (bwt 268).
Another awesome submaster was Roy Hardy who competed at a bodyweight of 218. Roy ended up with a 680 squat, 420 bench, and 600 deadlift. He passed on some of the deadlift attempts and ended the day with a nice 1700 total.
Loads of teenage powerlifters showed up and competed for the first time ever. Some did some incredible lifts considering their ages which ranged from 13-15. APA & WPA Powerlifting begins at age 13. I'm sure we would have had more youngsters competing if the age was set younger but we just don't believe in youth lifting at too early of an age. Plenty of time for that later on when the joints and bones start maturing and there is less danger of injury.
I was very impressed with 13 year old Michael Rocha who benched 210 at bwt 141. For a 13 year old this is an incredible lift!
In the bench press 54 year old Danny Brackin benched 420 which is a hell of a great lift for a 54 year old man!
A 17 year old young lady named Tashauna Ann Turner squatted 290, benched 155 with a near miss of 170, and pulled a 290 deadlift. These are great lifts considering she was only able to put a couple workouts in during the past 2 months due to her schedule which is quite busy!
John Mendoza at age 22 was 196 lb. bodyweight was looking quite strong. Mendoza ended the day with a 660 squat, 365 bench, and just missed a 660 deadlift which made him settle for 590 in the deadlift which knocked his total down quite a bit but he still ended up with 1615 which ain't shabby for a 22 year old. He took the mens open 198 class.
The 220's was a real battle with 6 or 7 guys going at it for the top spot which went to Roy Hardy who also competed in the submasters. Roy's 1700 total took the open 220's.
Anyway, too much to mention but I thought I'd just cover the highlights because I've gotten a lot of e-mails about this already. Results will be posted on the APA website real soon.
Scott Taylor L.A. (APA & WPA President)
This was yet another big weekend for Texas powerlifting. In North Texas the WABDL TwinLab North American Bench Press and Dead Lift Championships was held in Irving at the Holiday Inn Select North. In Southeast Texas the APA Texas & Louisiana Open Powerlifting/Bench Press Championships was held in Houston at Paul Revere Middle School. Meet results for both meets will be postedas they are received. Look for some big lifts from both meets.
It a big weekend coming up for Texas powerlifting. We have three big meets scheduled this weekend of March 24th. First is the Texas High School Powerlifting Association State Championships in Fort Worth at Texas Christian University's Daniel-Meyer Coliseum. If you have not been to this meet in the past you are in for a big surprise. There should be well over 650 boys competing in one meet. This is always one of the biggest meets of the year, bar none.
Second is the NASA East Texas State Championships PL/BP & Power Sports in Longview, Texas. Contact Rich Peters for information regarding this meet.
Third is the USPF Texas State Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships in Fort Hood, Texas. This annual meet has been going on for many years and promises to be a good turn out. Contact Gary Pendergrass for any further information on this meet.
Good luck to all who are planning on competing
all of these meets this week end.
Here are the Texas results from the 2001 USAPL Collegiate
Nationals. Weights are listed in kilos.
Place | Class | Name | School | Squat | Bench | Deadlift |
257.5 | 697.5 |
1st | 125+ | Randall Harris | North Texas | 337.5 | 230 | 340 | 907.5 |
Team Rankings
3rd University of Texas
4th Texas A&M University
7th Southwest Texas University
12th Baylor University
7th North Texas University
8th Southwest Texas University
11th University of Texas
26th Texas Tech
3rd University of Texas
7th Southwest Texas University
There were 40 colleges represented and over 200 lifters. A special thanks to Isaac Chapa President of the Southwest Texas University Powerlifting Team for all the great information. You guys keep those results coming!
On behalf of Isaac Chapa, SWT powerlifting
team president,
I would like to wish all the Texas college teams good luck at the USAPL
Nationals. The Nationals will be held on March 9-11 in
Louisiana. Competing in the meet this week ends will be teams
Southwest Texas State University, The University of Texas, University
North Texas, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, and
University. Hope all of you bring back the gold!
Today Pearland High School held it a meet in Pearland, Texas with teams from Pearland, Alief Elkins, Aldine Nimitz, Alvin, LaMarque, Cleer Creek, Dickinson, Texas City, Waltrip, Santa Fe, Channelview high school's attending. Several local lifter/judges helped out with the judging such as Tiny Meeker, Tom McCullough, Gary Pendergrass, Gene Wagenseller, eleven others. Pearland did a fine job hosting a meet of about 250-300 lifter and running 5 platforms! The meet got started promptly at 8:30am and ended about 4:00pm. Congratulations to all the great lifters who attended this meet from the THSPA's Region IV.
In the North Texas town of Sadler, Tim Kemp and his team from Sadler High School are hosting the THSWPA Region VI Meet. Tim told me that there are about 200 young ladies lifting in this meet. Hopefully after the meet is over we will get some details. Powerlifting....NO PLACE BUT TEXAS!
Congratulations to all who attended the WABDL Texas and Louisiana State meet held here in Houston, Texas. Each year Bob Garza puts on this meet it just keep growing and growing. This year there wear almost 150 benchers and deadlifters attending. Since I was lifting I really don't have a lot of specifics lifts to announce. But as soon as Bob Garza gets the results to me I will put a link up to them. So I apologize for all the fine lifts and lifters I either didn't see or just can't remember.
My day went very well for the first meet of the year. I opened with a 675 deadlift and then smoked 755 for a new masters world record. Also lifting were Anthony Clark and Tiny Meeker of Houston, Tx. Anthony missed a 650, 705 and 750 bench. Plenty of power, he just couldn't manage to get the bar to his chest. Tiny ended the day with a 641. Then Anthony came back to deadlift and took an easy 661 on his 2nd attempt using no suit or belt. No doubt he was good for over 700, but he passed on his 3rd attempt. Rich Norris deadlifted 665, and missed 738.5 on his 2nd and 3rd attempt just missing a submaster's world record. I also saw Daniel Flunker, Hal Hudson, Sheldon Weingust, and many other. In attendance were Phil Burch, Mike Duhon, Shannon McDougald, and Tony Cardella of GoHeavy.com.
Congratulations to the Nacogdoches High School Dragon powerlifting team who placed 2nd in the Lufkin High School Invitational. Out of the 16 teams competing the Dragons scored team 32 points missing 1st place by 2 points. The placing Dragons were Ryan Offield, 1st in the 123's; Kyle Stoner, 3rd in the 123's; Kioski Colston, 2nd in the 132's; Jatarus Mosby, 4th in the 132's; Corey Richardson 2nd in the 148's; Lendrea Curl, 3rd in the 181's; Jabruce Boins, 4th in the 242's; and Artis Teal, 2nd in the SHW's. Not placing were Murphy Gayler in the 165's; Roderick Christopher in the 165's; and Patrick Miller in the 242's.
On February 3, 2001 Dave Tate of Elite Fitness will be at Anthony Clark's Powerhouse Gym in Spring, Texas. Tate will be giving a siminar on Westside Barbell Club training techniques. If you are interested in attending this siminar or need more information call 281-350-0496.
Also coming February 3 is the APF/AAPF Texas State Powerlifting Championships held at the Xousia Club in Hurst, Texas. For more information on this meet give Radar Capehart a call at 972-253-8575.
Good new for the sport of powerlifting and for high school and middle school powerlifters in the Houston ISD. Westside Senior High School and Revere Middle School have agreed to add powerlifting to their already long list of extra curricular activities. Westside High just opened in the fall of 2000 and has one of the finest weight rooms in any high school. Revere Middle School is doing a complete make over of their weight room adding $3600 in gym equipment plus moving their weight room to a bigger facility. This will give Revere Middle School the largest, most equipped weight room I have ever seen in any middle school. So far there has been a tremendous show of interest in the powerlifting team at both schools. We can expect to see about 50 to 75 kids come out from both schools. If you live close to the Southwest side of Houston, come out and visit either of these schools and take a look at what they are doing for the kids and the sport.
The NASA Lubbock Open Championships in Lubbock, Texas will be held next week end the 20th of January. Good luck to all those who compete in this meet. Send us some pictures and the meet results!
Is the APA done with Texas? Recently Scott Taylor President of the WPA/APA announced that the APA is indeed done in Texas. Taylor made the following statement, "I've traveled there at least 10 times now and nobody ever seems very interested. The largest meet had around 20 lifters and the others had anywhere from 2-14 lifters. Too much of a gamble for me to risk driving over 1000 miles each way. If anybody from Texas wants to run a meet themselves just shoot me an e-mail . I'll even take care of the awards and you'll only have to pay for the ones you actually use. The APA does have a program where the meet director is paid a percentage to run a meet. Let me know if your interested..."
If you are looking for a meet in the upcoming
2001 check out the Texas Powerlifting Scene's
Upcoming Meets Section. The federations who are participating
in the state of
Texas have already started scheduling meets for the new year.
us out and plan your meets now.
Tim Bruner,
Rich Norris, Ed Wilkinson, Mike McCumbe, Sheldon Weingust, Valerie
Tyree, and John Tyree are just a few of many Texans who recently
competed in the newly formed WPL
Worlds held in Corpus Christi, Texas. Also lifting were the guys
24 Hour Fitness in Houston, Phil Burch, Chris Garcia, Robert Santos,
Mike Duhon. Wilkinson set a new submaster 198 lb American record
473.99, McCumbe set a junior state record in the 198 lb class benching
lbs, and Weingust set both American and Texas records benching 358.25
in the master 45-49 yr. old division, 148 lb class. Burch finished 1st
the 198's with a 1598 total, Garcia 1st in the 220's, Santos 1st in the
and Duhon finishing 2nd with an 1190 total in the 148's.
Sheldon also competed in the WABDL Worlds held in Reno, Nevada where he benched 363.7 lbs in the masters 40-46, 148 lb class and won his division. Also competing in the WABDL Worlds were Tiny Meeker (Houston, Tx) who set a World and Texas record in the open 275 by benching 657.5, John Stewart (Houston, Tx) who benched 628 for a Texas and World record, Thomas McKinney, Valerie and John Tyree (Dallas, Tx), Daniel Flunker (Houston, Tx), Ken Anderson, Joe Cantu, George Johnson |
![]() Sheldon Weingust |
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Pictured on the left is Rich Norris
of Houston, Texas also training out of 24 Hour Fitness. Rich also
lifted in the WPL Worlds in the 275 pound weight division. Norris
just missed pulling a American deadlift record of 720 pounds. A
little work on the grip of the bar and Rich is good for that American
record at the next meet.
Congratulations to all the fine Texas lifters who competed in
meets over the past few weeks. |
Good luck to all of those who are competing in some up coming meets. Next week end the USAPL Longhorn Open in Austin, Tx. will be held at the The University of Texas Recreational Sports Center . Also that same week end is the 3rd Southern States BP/DL Classic held at Tito's Gym in Brownsville, Tx. Don't forget that on December 2-3 the USPF/WPL World Powerlifting Championships will be held in Corpus Christi, Tx. The following week end will be the USAPL Blue Santa PL/BP in San Antonio, Tx.
The Texas Powerlifting Scene is already starting to get new meets sent in for the year 2001. If you are looking for a meet in Texas for the upcoming year check out the UPCOMING MEETS section. If you are putting on a meet in the year 2001 and would like to list it on our Upcoming Meets section please contact the Texas Powerlifting Scene .
Just a reminder that next week end the APA Texas Cup Classic Bench Press & Deadlift Contest going to be held in Waco, Texas. The meet will be held at Gold's Gym, 5156 W.Waco Drive.
How about big congratulations to three more fine Texas lifters for doing so well this weekend at the IPF Jr. Worlds in Chia Yi , Taiwan! P.J. Chovanec ended the day with a big 1st place in the 220's with a 622 lb. squat, a 407 lb bench, a 661 deadlift and a 1690 lb. total. Tony Cardella ended his week end in the 275's with 3rd place. Tony squatted 760.5, benched 512.5, deadlifted 705 for a final total of 1878. Last but not least, Katie Ford of Texas lifting in the women's 181's came in 8th place with a 330 squat, a 209.5 bench, a 347.5 deadlift, and a total of 887. All of these three young men and women did a fine job of representing to the our sport and the USA. Good job!
This weekend in Daytona Beach, Florida two
Texas benchers competed in
Kieran Kidder's Huge Iron Bench for Cash meet. Paul "Tiny"
Meeker took 2rd place in the heavyweights winning
$1000 with his 661.25 pound bench. Anthony Clark should have
taken the meet, but had some problems keeping his butt on the bench
his 722 lb bench. Shannon McDougald and Tim Bruner, who went to
Anthony Clark, reported to me that there was a good turn out and
of very good benchers. Congratulations to these two great
and to Mr. Kidder for a job well done!
Please note that there have been some changes in the "Upcoming Meets" section. Bill Holland has ask me to announce that Kirk Stroud's APF/AAPF Halloween Classic, in Hurst, Tx has been changed from October 29th to October 28th. Also note that Bill Holland's APF/AAPF Texas powerfest scheduled for December 3, 2000 has been cancelled.
Good luck to all the lifters who competed in the APF Lone Star Classic Bench Press Championships held in Ft. Worth, TX, this weekend. If any of you guys went to the meet, please let us know how it came out. Also, don't forget the APA Longhorn Powerlifting Classic & Bench Press Contest coming up on July 29th in Waco, TX. The USPF Barbee Classic in Corpus Christi, Tx is the following weekend, August 5. If you are going to either of these meets you need to get those applications and fees in ASAP!
Curt St. Romain and nine other lifters from
around the state of Texas finished second in the combined team
competition at the
USAPL Junior Nationals held at Ft. Hood, Texas on June 9-10.
guys! The team members were:
These guys finished second behind Plainwell high school. They loaded the light teen classes and only had one junior lifter. Curt said, " It didn't seem fair that we finished second to a team of young kids." Look out for Randall Harris. This upcoming star should be pushing 2100 sometime this fall! Though Harris was a touch high with an 804 squat attempt, he did blow up. He was good for 820. Congratulations again to all these fine young lifters and good luck in the future. Thanks also to Curt St. Romain for providing the pictures and the information.
* If you have some
Texas area
news you would like to contribute please contact *
McCullough MEd.