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May, 2000

"My mind lives in a shadowland that has largely been abandoned by our culture. But I have found it a far richer, better and more productive place to be than the world of the yes and the no in which we are, in general, living out our lives. In my world, at least, everything is an adventure. Had I not been willing to enter it, maybe I would never have met the visitors."

Whitley Strieber

Sourced from

[Note: The original link I had for this quote no longer works, so I simply refer you to Strieber's page.]


May 1, 2000

......just a thought...could man have originated on mars?


April 22, 2000

We saw your site on the Internet and were wondering if you may be interested in helping us with a problem?

Here it is, we caught on film a UFO hovering above an abandoned air force base in GWINN MICHIGAN, this was about 6 miles from us, we were in NEGAUNEE MICHIGAN filming this occur, my two sons and myself.

We were at this spot filming this when we noticed a rocket being launched at this UFO, or a missile, it was a sight to behold, it was leaving a smoke trail or a streak upwards as it climbed towards this UFO, then the UFO just darted this like it was a toy, it was not even an evasive move, just a simple move out of this missiles path, it is all on film, plus, we kept filming as this occurred, then a STEALTH BOMBER came right over our heads, it was huge, low to us, and began to bank in the direction of the UFO, we also caught this on film / video, all of it, then as we filmed this Stealth Bomber, we caught a UFO, another one, totally separate of the initial one flying above this stealth bomber, then yet caught another one fly directly under this stealth bomber, then yet another one as well, then we films some more events we do not want to get into in this quite yet, but, we did film the original UFO again and it did some very spectacular things, to put it mildly.

This is our big problem, we have been trying for a long time to get the media to expose this, they will not, it is to credible, they will not even come look at the videos, we have told all we will let them come here to watch these films, to test them, but no one will, not ABC,CNS,NBC,FOX, you name it, we tried, but this is so credible, we are not trying to inform others so everyone ca know the truth of this. I was sick for a while, I was diagnosed with leukemia, so all of this was put on a back burner, but we are again trying to inform others of these most incredible and credible events, we are asking if you would help us?

All we are really asking is to just help us to pass along this story if nothing else, to put it on other web sites to help us as its just so complicated now. We do know that we do not know you, but we are all trying to gain the same results are we not?

We want to share this with others, but the media will not report it, so we will send out copies to others soon, as soon as we can get organized to do this, to make copies to send to others.

We are RON,SANDY,DILLON,RYLEE THORNE of rt. 1 box 423-D, co. rd. MU 60 NEGAUNEE Michigan, 49866

We, or you can try to call us at 906-475-5586, if you can get through, but the FBI did get involved a few years ago to stop us from getting this truth out to others, so we are in a jam, we need help badly now, if you wish to help we would be grateful, if not, then that is up to you, all we want is to get the truth out to others.


Poll Established on the 24th of September 2000

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