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The Ducks Page

I have three Ducky friend to help me in the garden, they are all girls and their names are Debby, Harry and Jan. Here is a pic of me with debby.


Debby was the leader of the three some until she got blown on to a pile of stones buy the wind and hurt her foot. After much care and attention she as pretty much recovered but tends to lag behind slightly when they are undertaking a high speed pursuit. She is a big duck with light makings on her wings and slightly pinkish marking on her bill. She can be slightly aggressive to wards me some times and tends to lower here head at me as an aggressive show of strength. She has been known to attack electricians but is normally very affectionate and loves to help me .


Harry is roughly the same size as Debby and has light wing marking but no bill markings. She all ways follows Debby around even when she knows she's being naughty. For some strange reason she does not seam to enjoy playing in water as much as the other two.


Jan is the smallest of the three and has no light wing markings or bill markings. She is the only one of the three who is small enough to fly but tends not to fly very much. She loves to paly in water when she can get her little webbed feet wet. She tends not to be as naughty as the other two unless she's in the mood for flying.

Here are the three ducks hard at work in the vegetable garden eating all the nasty slugs and such like.

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