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January 16, 2000



The cold war explodes!! An F-11 fighter plane has been shot down over the Mediterranean Sea. The loss of the pilot and the 50 million dollar plane are bad enough, but the U.S. Goverment can not afford to lose the top secret on-board laser tracking device. Unfortunately, the KGB team, with the infamous Andrel (Van Damme) are beating the CIA in the race to find it. A top U.S. agent has been brutally murdered. The CIA calls in KenTani (Sho Kosugi) code name "Black Eagle" When his cover is blown, the KGB dispatch an assassin squad. Their best efforts are no match for the incredible master martial artist. So the KGB resorts to kidnapping Ken;s children and his assistant. Now there are two missions. First, he must save his friend and his family, then recover the top secret tracking device.

Only Andrel stands in his way. Andrel is a very worthy oponent matching Ken, skill for skill. Andrel has nothing to lose and Ken Tanl can not afford to.

Acting: Terrible, not one good actor in this film.

Dialogue: ----

Directing: Filmed well I guess, not one of my favorite flims.

Reason Behind The Rating:

Violence: Multiple shootings, a drowning, bloody fights, Van Damme is chopped up by the blade of a boat at the end of the film.

Drugs/Alcohol: None.

Sex/ Nudity: None.

Language: None.

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