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Welcome, this section will cover all the info you need to know about Angela.

What's his story?

Angela is the princess of the Magic Kingdom of Altena. Her mother, Valge, queen of Reason is the ruler of the kingdom. The kingdom is known for its magic and that's Altena's main force. There's even a magic class that teaches people the art of offencive magics. But no matter how hard Angela tries, she could never learn magic and so she alway never take her classes seriously.

What's his struggle?

One day, the queen called Angela to her and she said that Angela will be a sacrifice for the mana stone since she couldn't use magic she would be useless to her (huh?). Koren, one of the worth magic students is now the most powerful wizard in the kingdom and is queen Valge's right hand. Angela said no you can't and started to run but Koren casted some offencive spell on her. When she woke up she ended up outside the gates of the Kingdom of Altena (I still don't know what happened there...). She believe that her mother could be under some kind of control and is headed to the Holy City of Wendel to ask the Priest of Light for help and information.

Why choose Angela?

Why not choose Angela?