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Welcome, this section will cover all the info you need to know about Duran.

What's his story?

Duran is a young fighter in the Grassland-Country kingdom of Forcena, the kingdom that specialize in swordsman and fighters. Duran is young but he is also one of the strongest fighters in the kingdom. His father, Loki, was a Knight of Gold, the highest rank of knights and honor in Forcena. When Duran was still a little boy, his father had to go fight the Dragon Emperor. Although Duran's mother was ill at the time she did not show it for she knew that Loki would stay and the Dragon Emperor might win. When Loki left she passed away after some time and Duran's aunt took care of him and his little sister since. Loki and prince Richard and their men defeated the Dragon emperor, but dragged Loki down the cliff with them. For days prince Richard and his men searched the area for Loki's body but to no avail. Loki was believed dead and now Duran want to be the greatest fighter like his father was.

What's his struggle?

One night when Duran was on guard duty, a mysterious wizard in a red cloak appeared with a group of magicians from the Magic kingdom Altena. The guards on duty were no match for magic and all perished. Duran came face to face with the Crimson Wizard and chalenged him. But couldn't even reach him as he throw spells at Duran. When the Wizard was about to finish him off the knights came and the Wizard and his group left and retreated. Duran couldn't believe how easily he was beaten. He went to the fortune teller of Forcena and the fortune teller told him that if he wanted to get stronger, learn about class changing. Duran was thinking of what that was, the fortune teller told him that if he wanted to learn more about class changing, talk to the Priest of Light in the Holy City of Wendel, he can tell you more about class changing. So Duran talked to King Richard and his aunt and told them that he cannot come back until he has defeated the Crimson Wizard, or died trying. The king understood as he is the son of Loki and his blood runs in his veins. Now Duran is leaving for the Holy City and defeat the Crimson Wizard.

Why choose Duran?

Why not choose Duran?