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Welcome, this section will cover all the info you need to know about Hawk.

What's his story?

Hawk is a member of the Thief's Guilt from the sand fortress of Navarre. They are masters in the way of Stealth and are all Ninjas and thieves. They alway steal from the rich and greedy, but never from the poor. Long before the desert was a forest in which the people of Navarre were mostly Rangers, which interacts with Nature and use traps against animals. Ever since the forest died and became a desert the people of Navarres have changed into Ninjas and Thieves to keep alive for food and relies on the power of Mana for source of water.

What's his struggle?

One day after Hawk and some other thieves returned from their thieveries. The leader of Navarre and thieve's guild, with a woman named Isabella has decided that they will be now no longer the thief guilt but the Kingdom of Navarre, under King Flamekhan (the leaders name)'s leadership. Hawk though "What's going on here? Flamekhan hates monarchy, why is he doing this now?" He talked to Eagle, Flamekhan's son and Hawk's best friend. Eagle is suspecting that his father is acting a little strange and Hawk agrees, and they decide to go find out what's going on. When they arrived to Flamekhan's room, Isabella seem to have casted somekind of spell on Flamekhan that was controlling him, and a mysterious demonic person was in the room. As Hawk and Eagle show up and forced her to tell the truth she casted a spell on Eagle that made him attack Hawk. Hawk didn't want to kill his best friend so he used the flat of his dagger to knock Eagle out. But then Isabella used a Fireball spell and killed Eagle, then the other Ninjas showed up and Isabella blamed and made it seem that Hawk has killed Eagle. They threw Hawk in jail for excecution later and when they all left Isabella told Hawk that if he told the truth, Flamekhan's daughter Jessica will die from a cursed necklace that she gave her. When Jessica came to Hawk's cell and asked him for the truth and knew that Hawk couldn't have killed Eagle, Hawk remained silent and Jessica though that Hawk really did it. Then the back of the cell wall blew up and Hawk's friend Nikita, a merchant cat, came to rescue him, he told Hawk that he overheard everything and told Hawk that to remove the curse on Jessica he has to talk to the Priest of Light in the Holy City of Wendel. Now Hawk fight through his felling Ninjas and escaped Navarre and is headed to the Holy City, hoping to find a way to remove the curse and avenge his friend Eagle's death.

Why choose Hawk?

Why not choose Hawk?