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Welcome, this section will cover all the info you need to know about Lise.

What's his story?

Kevin is the son of the Beast King, the ruler of the Beast Kingdom. It is a kingdom inhabited by beastmens, a demi-human race that were feared and hated by humans, and were rejected from society. All the beastman now live in the Beast Kingdom and the Moonlight City Mintos in the Moonlight Forest, a place of eternal night. The Beast King lead his fellow beasmens to use anger as a weapon. They can transform into werewolves at night time which increase their strenghts and are martial art experts. Kevin however is a half-beastman and half-human, his mother was a human and Kevin didn't like war and was a pacifist in the kingdom. Kevin's only friend is Karl, a wolf pup that Kevin knew ever since they were kids, from Karl, Kevin learned of Friendship, Love, and Trust, unlike his fellow beastmens.

What's his struggle?

One day, a mysterious man named Deathjester (which IS a Jester by the way) showed up in the Beast Kingdom. Deathjester is powerful in magics and offered his help to fight the human race. Since the Beast King wanted Kevin to be fighting with them he wanted to make Kevin mad, which will hopefully give him strenght to fight. He told Deathjester to make Karl attack Kevin, which he did. While Kevin was in the woods with Karl, Karl suddenly grew into a Bound Wolf and attacked him. Kevin tried to defend himself without hurting Karl but couldn't and Karl almost killed him. Then suddenly Kevin's anger channelled and he suddenly turned into a Werewolf, and unable to control his anger he killed Karl. Just then he snapped out of it and realised what he has done. He made Karl a grave and burried him there. When he returned to the Beast Kingdom he overheard the Beast King telling Deathjester that he was impressed about how he made Kevin's wolf pup grew and attacked Kevin. Furious Kevin attacked the Beast King but to no avail. The Beast King knocked him all the way to the woods in one blow. Kevin found Deathjester in the woods, and Deathjester told him that he was only listening to order and that if he wanted to Revive Karl, go to the Holy City of Wendel and talk to the Priest of Light. Now Kevin is headed to the Holy City of Wendel to find a way to revive his friend and have revenge on the Beast King.

Why choose Kevin?

Why not choose Kevin?