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Welcome, this section will cover all the info you need to know about Lise.

What's his story?

Lise is the princess of the Wind Kingdom of Rolante. It is an kingdom of amazoness which are the main force of the kingdom. Lise's father, King Joster, rule peacefully and Lise's little brother Prince Elliot is also there to help. (ok nothing much about her story but...)

What's his struggle?

One day, the Navarre Ninjas came to invade Rolante. Bill and Ben, 2 of the stronger and more cunning ninjas used Elliot to take them to the switch that will shut off the wind which normally protected the kingdom of Rolante by telling him that they were going to play. Since Elliot is still young he didn't know so he shut off the wind for them and all the sudden the Navarre Ninjas came in to invade, the amazons were no match for the ninjas at the moment as they were not ready or suspected an invasion because they were protected by the wind. They killed Lise's father king Roster and kidnapped Prince Elliot. Helpless, Lise was forced to escape the kingdom. She remembers that her father said the Priest of Light can help at times like these, so she is now headed to the Holy City of Wendel to avenge her father, find Elliot, and restore Rolante.

Why choose Lise?

Why not choose Lise?