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The game section, play them online if you like, just click on the name of the game you wanna play.

Online Games

Nexus the Kingdom of Winds
Massive online muliplayer RPG, it is very addictive, though u got to pay to play it, there is a free trial where you can only get to level 10 and last for 10 days.
Graal Online
Another great online game, formely known as Zelda Online (like years ago) now known as Graal. It's gameplay is almost exactly identical to Zelda 3, a Link to the Past. If you never played that great SNES game, well go to! By the way the good ol' Graal classics is still free, but their new advenced Graal 2001 charges you, but its not that much mind you =P.
This site was made by the maker and coder of Graal Online. It is a site with many online Java games including Bomberman and a Java version of Graal. But I still recomend you to go to Graalonline as the new versions and much more features than good ol' Java which don't have the great features that Graal had over the last 2 years =).
Dragon Court
This is a fun little Java RPG thingy. Free, fun, go to the site now!
