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Megaman Links

Here are my Megaman Links, if you have a Megaman page and want to add yours to my link page, e-mail or ICQ me. (Note: most of these people probably don't even know I linked their site or don't know about this site at all, and frankly I don't really care, after all my site did start out as a link only page =P)

Megaman Links

Megaman Extreme's Megaman Homepage: This was a great (one of the greatest mind you) Megaman sites ever, but one day I saw that the link banner won't show and I clicked it, the site is gone, dead, jsut like that. I have no idea what happened to it, so if you know tell me.
Xardion's Page O' Stuff!
Xardion's page O' Stuff: Ah yes, this was the very first Megaman homepage I ever went to, and it really became big over the years that IMO, the greatest Megaman site ever. A must click for Megaman fans, he even makes his own games =).
The Megaman Homepage: This is one of the biggest Megaman site on the next, has a billion (ok not exactly a billion) sections covering even many Megaman product that we don't know about. Click on it now boy!
Ice Man's Ice Palace: The third Megaman site I ever went to, this site is just great, even have this humorous comic and renamed robo masters from Megaman 1 (ok its kinda hard to explain, just goto the site and find something called the Sinister 6 comic or something).
Megaman Galaxy: Another neat site, though I dont know whats become of it, haven't visited it in a while because I've been playing NexusTK and Graalonline.
Megaman 2000
Megaman Millenium: This is a nice site also. Though I kinda got lost on the site (where is the main? er where is this?).
RoboRust and XG2 alliance
Roborust and XG2 Alliance: This is a cool site, has alot of fun sections and data.

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