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Hello, My name is Johnathan Hill, I am 8 years old,
as you can probably guess ....I love "Toy Story" my favorite is Buzz Lightyear,
could you tell *Smile*

This is Me,Mummy and my brother Kurt
on an outing to the park Boxing day 1999

Johnathan Noel Hill Age 9 months old

Age 15 months old 

This is me at kindy age 4 years

I am 5 years old here

This is my 7th Birthday, this is my mummy lighting the candles on my Yummy chocolate cake.....I love chocolate

This is my Friend Kanga, Cahuna Koala park 1999

This is a photo my teacher Angie took of me on a school outing on the bus.....I wanted a drink as it was hot...Here I am signing "Drink"
I am 8 years old

These are my most recent photos, I am 8 1/2 here