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Hi there! My name is Lynda,
and welcome to my Family Photo Album,
I have finally decided that I should get off my butt
and complete the page, seeing as I have a link that goes
no where, Until now.

My family consists of Me, Johnathan, now 8 1/2
Kurt, age 7 and Andrew (my boyfriend).

Please feel free to look around, But these photo's are personal
and may not be taken off the page.

This was the only photo that I have of Christmas Day 1998, Kurt, Myself and Johnathan.
My little family.

My beautiful little boys
Kurt on the left & Johnathan
Christmas 1995

What a little cutie.....Well mum thinks so anyway
just as adorable now *Smile*

Johnathan enjoying life in the sun Age 15 months

Hmmmmmmmm I think because I have a few photos of my boys,
I will make a page for each of them.....LOL

thankyou for dropping in, check back often as I am updating all the time

why not sign my guestbook
while your here.Thankyou