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My Friend


When I met you, I did not know

what time would bring or where we would go

We've talked and laughed about many things

and time has brought what friendship brings

A special trust, a priceless b ond

that will last forever and then far beyond

Someone to share good times and bad

Who listens whenever I'm joyful or sad

You never judge me when I've done something wrong

and shen I'm dreary you're a happy song

I can speak my mind and never fear

That you won't have time or "for me" won't be here

You caringly advise me about this and that

and it matters not to you whether I'm skinny or fat

If I don't see you or call for a while

you don't get all snappy like a crocodile

Because it's an understood Thing

that if there's trouble or strife

In my world or yours or another friends life

we'd be there for each other right to the end

Because that's just a part of being

A Friend