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This site is Anfy Enhanced

I had no idea how easy you would be to talk to,
and I never imagined that our early conversations
would grow into such a strong friendship.

I never suspected that we'd discover
so many common interests and values,
or that I could ever enjoy simple pleasures
as much as when they are shared with you.

I never thought we'd have so many
warm and happy times together,
or that your compassion would help so much
to ease me through the rougher times.
I didn't expect to feel so soon
as though I'd known you forever,
or to trust you so easily
with my secrets and deepest feelings...
I never thought your support could make
such a difference,
that your encouragement
would bring my dreams closer,
make my successes sweeter
and my losses easier to accept.
I never imagined that I would grow
to want,
to need,
and to love you so much.
When you first came into my life,
I never dreamed you'd soon be someone
whom I couldn't live without.

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Thankyou Amanda for all your help Lynda

Thankyou Jan for being a good friend Lynda