The Central Andes and Mesoamerica determine in the American Archaeology, two big nuclear areas of civilizations or high cultures of the New World. Both expressions had communications in a certain way, such as a cultural process that during almost 4000 years, they formed the mayor worlds, that had build a great advance in their region, succumbed on the Spaniard arrival in the XVI century.
From the archaeological point of view, Peru and Mexico, had similar formative cultures developments, such as in its oldness, agriculture, art or iconography and their relationship with later cultures; which are more than enough for the
archaeologists to be impressed because of its similarity than from its differences.
The Olmec's in Mesoamerica and Chavin's in the Central Andes, testify the formation of the first societies in America, in other words, Mother Cultures of their civilizations.
In the Andean world, rescuing the past, is a chore for Archaeology. Which involves seeking for the unknown and recovering the testimonies of a pre-history, universal heritage of human kind. Also it has to investigate the past to confirm
about the historical destiny and preserve it as a requirement of the investigation and a necessity to transmit that knowledge to future generations.
The remains of these ancient cultures in Peru, become a testimony of the outstanding magnificence of the Pre and Inca Empire, that you have now the opportunity to visit.
Peru Archaeological Sites Information
Chavin, Mother Culture of the Andean Civilization, was a great religious center, built more than 3,000 years ago, with the excesses produced by a peasant society that had succeeded in a agricultural revolution.
The Fortress of
Kuelap, the largest building structure of the Americas containing 400 buildings. It is a larger scale of the many lost stone citadels in the Gran Vilaya.
Following the Inca road that started in Yanahuanca towards Quito, there is an important administrative Inca center and Tambo, known today asHuanucopampa or Huanuco Viejo, has an extension of almost a kilometer long and about 200 meters wide.
Machu Picchu is an architectural jewel. The beauty and mystery of its walled ruins, once palaces of the finest Inca stonework, are augmented even more by the lush, almost virginal landscape of the surroundings. Green jungle flora suffuses the abrupt topography. Orquids add a strange brilliance.
Sechin, the great warriors of the Casma Valley. Its decorated by carvings of human body parts, making it a unique archaeological site in Peru.
Caral, the oldest settlement of America, constructed 5,000 years ago, is the symbol of the political power and religious of the first state in Peru.
Chanquillo, the oldest solar observatory in America. It was built more than 2,000 years ago, in the coastal area of the Peru. The observatory is formed by thirteen on-line lifted towers, from north to south on the summit of Mount Chanquillo that indicated the annual displacement of the Sun, accurately, as well as the solstices and the equinoxes.
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