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Chachapoyas Peru

Chachapoyas Peru
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Chachapoyas Peru

Plaza Chachapoyas

The city of Chachapoyas was created the 5 of September of 1538, since then it became the capital of the Peruvian Orient. Even though the creation of the Departments of Loreto and San Martin, Chachapoyas continued being the center for the conquest of the jungle by the Spaniards. The influence of the Viceroy makes the architecture in this city, important.
The city of Chachapoyas still preserves its large colonial-style mansions, with tiled roofs and large patios and balconies. The Plaza de Armas has a bronze viceroyalty water Fountain. Other highlights are the Cathedral, the Municipality and the Bishopric.


*Province of Chachapoyas
- San Antonio Tunnels. Rock formations, in a way of natural bridges located over the San Antonio river.
- District of Molinopampa. The forest of Palm trees of Ocol.
- Pomacocha Lake. Located, at 2,150 mts. above sea level, from where a beautiful landscapes can be seen. Its water has a green azure color.
- Huancas. Village were the Pitaya paintings are located in a cave.
- Yalape. Its a archeological zone, of 4 hectares, of rock walls put together with mud, that belonged to the Chachapoyas and it data is 1100-1300 A.C.
- Others: The natural bridge of Ashpachaca and the Coltin caves.

*Other Provinces
- Lamud. Stands out its Main Square, the Juscusbamba river, the Lamud Cross and the rock mills.
- Rodriguez de Mendoza. Its considered high jungle, has many natural attractions.
- Luya. Were the settlement of the monumental fortress of Kuelap, is located. In the region, also can be found other archaeological sites such as Revach, Chipuric, San Antonio, Carajia, Pueblo de los Muertos and the Gran Villaya.
- Bongara. Has interesting places, the hot springs of Chaquil and Corontachaca. The valley of Utcubamba, habitat of the Monkey Choro of yellow tail, unique in the world. Also it can be seen beautiful and exotic orchids in this zone.



Located at 3,000 mts. above sea level in the high part of the Utcubamba valley. Known as the "Machu Picchu of the Northern Peru" and the largest stone structure in South America.
It has over 400 buildings inside 5 levels of walls. This circular architecture, of walls that measure about 20 mts. high, have fine designs as decoration on the walls of its homes. It was use about 40 million of square feet of material. Has corridors with rock walls in shape of a funnel that permits the entry to the interior of the site. Exists 3 entries that permit you to go in to the heart of Kuelap. One of them, the passage becomes narrow to a point that only one person can get by, making it possible to defend the fortress from above throwing rocks or using weapons. To the left of this passage, there is a series of semi-circular homes in perfect stage of conservation. A few meters ahead is El Tintero, circular structure with leaning walls, its believed that here, it took place human and animals sacrifices.

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