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How to Spar

size="3"> Here is how you have to spar.  Through sparing you can gain PL and credits.  Here are the rules for sparing.

You have to find a ref.  Check the refs link on the main page to see who can ref your matches.  So here is how everything works.

1)  Ref look up the characters PL and moves, your PL is the number of hit points you have.

2)  A coin is tossed to see who goes first.

3)  You must charge before an attack.

4)  Wait till the ref tells you to go, they will say, "Go Goku" for example.

5)  This continues until the battle is either called a draw, someone is killed or the fight is called by the ref.

Here is what you get for sparing:

6) Counter attacks are limited depinding on power level ref will deside.

7) Everyone get's a trump card for each match. You can get more than one trump card depending on how many people you are fighting.

8)Everyone get's four combo's you must charge up 3 times before useing an energy combo, unless you are a saiya-jin and one of you're friends/partners/family members die, then you only charge one time and are able to go super saiya-jin dependng on Power Level.

*Note: Under new rules you can only spar 3 times a month. Against 3 separate people. This means one battle equals one spar. This means you cannot battle, rest, then battle again. That is called, "CHEATING."

Winner PL Loser PL Winner Credits Loser Credits
+1,000 +500 +100 +50
Winner PL w/weighted Loser PL w/weighted Winner Credits Loser Credits
+2,000 +1,000 +100 +50
Team Win PL Team Lose PL Winner Credits Loser Credits
+10,000 each +5,000 each +300 each +150 each
Team Win PL w/weighted Team Lose PL w/weighted Winner Credits Loser Credits
+20,000 each +10,000 each +300 each +150 each

One more thing...

   If you are a Sayajin and you are taken to near death you will get a 5,000 PL raise.