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Here is an globally endangered raptor, the Grey-headed Fish-Eagle (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus). Size 61-74 cm (24 - 30 in). Large size eagle with short broad wings and short round tail. Mantle, breast and wings brown contrasting with pale grey head. White thighs and lower belly and undertail coverts.
Occurs in India through South-East Asia to the Greater Sundas, Sulawesi and the Philippines. Resident in Pen. Malaysia at low elevations, principally in freshwater lakes with nearby forests south to Singapore where it is rare. According to Dr. Wells' estimate, there are about 40 pairs remaining in Pen. Malaysia. Encroaching developments around these lakes might spell doom for these raptors.
Photo was taken at Bukit Merah, just over an hour's drive from Ipoh. I saw one pair at this lake and this one had just caught a fish in the shallow water. It was its third attempt pouncing into the water from a shallow tree stump in the lake before it caught the fish. It took the fish back to its perch and and a short while later flew into the nearby forest with it.