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Name- Kadabra
Weight- 170 lbs.
Height- 5'10
Age- 19
Entrance Music- "Who Must Die"- Sepultura
Wear-down Moves- Kneeling Piledriver
Finishing Move- Modified Awesome Bomb
Preferred Weapon- Steel Garbage Can
Titles won- Former HCW Cruiserwight Champion (1), Cuurent HCW Backyard Champion (1)

There has to be something magical that has kept Kadabra wrestling so long. Kadabra has suffered the most consistent punishment than anyone else in HCW. He dislocated his shoulder from a powerbomb on the ground by Nate Viscious; got dropped on his head from a Juvi-Driver variation on the ground by Chaos; and got kicked straight in the jaw from the steeltoe boots of Chaos. Somehow, Kadabra seems to be coming back, even if he loses the match.

Kadbras style is one of its own in HCW. He has some good moves, but also relies on using weapons to wear down opponents. Whether it be pushing someone off a ladder, backdropping them onto a hard garbage can, or sneaking in a cheap shot, Kadabra is definently not an opponent to take lightly.