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Note: HCW has been going on for a long time, but im just doing results with the wrestling in 2001.

HCW- No Limits (Barry White Memorial Event)
Tournament to face No.1 Contendor Chaos in the Finals for the HCW Backyard Championship (Deathmatch and World combined)

1st Round
"Phabulous" Phil Planz defeated Eddy the Sycho with a kendo stick shot to the scrotum.
Kadabra defeated Kamikaze with a Gut-wrench Powerbomb on some steel.
The Predator defeated Exodus with a Hunt-down.
Matt Given defeated Crimson Crippler with a DVD off a ladder through a board.

2nd Round
Kadabra defeated "Phabulous" Phil Planz with a Brain-buster off a ladder onto some steel.
Matt Given defeated The Predator with a Powerbomb onto barbedwire.

3rd Round
Kadabra defeated Matt Given with a Gut-wrench Powerbomb onto a tack/bulb/tube set-up.

Havoc returned to HCW for the first time in almost a year to make it a 3-way Elimination Match.

Havoc was eliminated after a double team superkick/German suplex by Kaos and Kadabra.

Kadabra defeated Kaos with a superplex off a huge ladder through a monstrous set-up of tables to become the new and first ever HCW Backyard champion!!

HCW- High Stakes
Crimson Crippler defeated Matt Given after a Backdrop into sitout slam onto barbs.
Eddy the Sycho defeated Kadabra and "Phabulous" Phil Planz to win the HCW Crusierweight title.
Chaos retained the HCW World Title after winning a 6-Man elimination match (Exodus, Phil Planz, Kadabra, Crimson Crippler, and the Predator).
Chaos defeated Matt Given in a HCW Title match after Matt challenged him.

HCW- Given Presents: My Mom Thinks I'm Hardcore
Matt Given defeated The Predator and Chaos in a 3-Way Deathmatch to become the No.1 contendor for the HCW Deathmatch Championship
Matt Given defeated Crimson Crippler after Powerbomb on barbs to win the HCW Deathmatch Championship.

HCW- Given Presents: When Light-Tubes Attack
Crimson Crippler retained the HCW Deathmatch title after defeating The Predator (Double team on barbedwire) and Matt Given (Leg drop off ladder through board) in a 3-Way Elimination match.

HCW- Execution
Kadabra escaped with the HCW Cruiserweight Championship after running away from a Handicap title match (Kamikaze + Exodus + Eddy the Sycho) part-way through.
Havoc defeated Kadabra, Chaos and Predator in an amazing Tables Match.
Crimson Crippler won the HCW Deathmatch Title (even though Deathmatch was banned at Chaos' house) after defeating Kadabra, The Predator and Matt Given; but the camera cut out after stupid stuff was filmed, so theres 2 mins of footage (which made Matt even angrier and quit again).

HCW- Anhilliation
Eddy the Sycho won a Cruiserweight Invitational Match (Others were: Exodus, Kamikaze, and Havoc) to win the HCW Cruiserweight title, but Kadabra came down and powerbombed him through a board to win the title himself
Havoc won the HCW Championship after defeating Chaos in a ladder match.
There was a Deathmatch scheduled but it rained so it was cancelled which made Matt Given real angry (he quit).

HCW- Blade(5/11/02)
Eddy the Sycho defeated Exodus after a Pump-handle Powerbomb onto a tack-bulb board
Kadabra defeated Chaos after a superplex through a lot of tables
Predator defeated Matt Given after a splash onto a Barbedwire board to win the HCW Deathmatch title.

HCW- Tables, Tubes and Tacks (9/10/01)
Chaos defeated Kadabra to become the No.1 Contendor for the HCW Championship
Matt Given defeated Crimson Crippler after a Powerbomb through a Double Light-tube setup to retain the CWA Championship (which then became renamed as the HCW Deathmatch title)
Chaos defeated Havoc in a ladder match to win the HCW Championship, and then beat up Kadabra after he interfered.

HCW- Ressurection (8/18/01)
Matt Given defeated Crimson Crippler with a Powerbomb through a Light-tube table to win the CWA Championship
Havoc defeated Kadabra and Chaos in a 3-Way to decide the new HCW Champion after Crimson Crippler attacked Chaos