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the SunSwitch-
a solar panel charge controller

My latest project was designed by Michael Bryce-WB8VGE.  I had saved the article from an old issue of QST. (Oct.93)  

I have wanted something like this for controlling the panels on my sailboat, and at one time built a very basic one from a design in one of the older handbooks.  It worked fine but I wanted something a little more sophisticated.

Some of the parts I had, others I ordered from DC Electronic's and DigiKey.  I built it ugly and slightly Manhattanish.  The result was something that I fit into a small plastic case, measuring 3"x 2 1/4"x 1 1/4".

I sorta did some tests and finally put in on the boat, where it has been for about a month.  I have not mounted it permanetly since I am still "testing".  

Three LED's on the front of the case indicate whether the batteries are charging, or charged or if the panels are not on-line (night or cloudy days).  I have included some pictures, but forgot to take one of the front! 

This is the front half of the board.  The LED's are mounted on this side.
This is the other side with all of the goodies.  Its like a tiny little city...maybe Bayonne,NJ?
head on back to the Unknown....
