1600 | Colonia | Colonia | Leon de Huanuco |
1539 1440 | Inca Empire | Inca Influence | Huanucopampa |
1330 1100 900 | Regional States | Chupaichus Yacha Wamali | Ichu Wakan Susupillo |
700 500 | Wari Empire | ¿? | ¿? |
200 DC AC 200 | Regional Development | Higueras Kotosh San Blas | Kotosh |
500 | Formative | Kotosh Sajarapatac Kotosh Chavin | Kotosh |
900 1500 2400 4000 | Archaic | Kotosh Kotosh Kotosh Wairajirca Kotosh Mito Lauricocha III | Lauricocha |
7400 8000 | Lithic | Lauricocha II Lauricocha I | Lauricocha |

Following the Inca road that started in Yanahuanca towards Quito, there is an important administrative Inca center and Tambo, known today as Huanucopampa, located 6 km. from La Union on a plateau, at 3,600 mts. above sea level. Huanucopampa has been object of special interest for chroniclers and history writers whom have classified this place as Inca style. The chroniclers that have mentioned it in its scripts are Miguel de Estete, Francisco Jerez, Sanchez de La Hoz, Cieza de Leon, Diego Aguilar y de Cordova, Huaman Poma de Ayala and the Inca Garcilazo de La Vega. Also the historians that have done research on it are Tschudi, Middendorf, Haencke, Squire, Eierner, Antonio Raymondi (1857), Jose Varallanos(1939) and Cesar Garcia Rossel(1942).
Resuming the studies that have been done in the ruin and according to its location it has been divided into 4 groups.

The first one is the USHNO (Inca Castle), a big rectangular building, with a out roof, constructed on a platform, located at the center of this great terrace.
The walls of this fortress were built of big rocks, carved and carefully put together. Garcia Rosell says that the rocks were carved with copper tools.

The second group, LAS PORTADA, close by the Ushno, formed by rectangular buildings. They are divided in 4 parallel compartments or rooms and a series of trapezoid doorways that go across the central part. Each compartment has a different size and the doorways have monolithic lintels, which have 2 rocks carved on high relief with animal representations. On one of the walls of a room, it has holes, which its presumed that it was used, to put through a rope and used to execute criminals.

On this group, also is included the CASA INCA (Royal Palace), which has 2 rectangular rooms with 2 big patios, which the walls are missing. There was 7 pools of carved rock known as the Inca's Baths.
The third group, the ACLLAWASI, that are rooms in different shapes, surrounded by a rock wall, at the north-east of the castle. Finally, the forth group, west of the castle HOUSES & COLCAS. The houses formed 4 rows, almost horizontal with the hills, giving the aspect of streets. Its suppose to be a group of rooms that were used as storage for food (Tambos).
Huanucopampa had an extension of almost a kilometer long and about 200 meters wide. In this place it was founded, the city of Leon de Huanuco, which later on it was moved to the Huallaga valley.
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