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Perspective on the last 24 hours...Last night, during a telephone interview and discussion, I found out that Marcia's archives contain surveillance photograhs of Deborah and myself, and research processes leading up to the infamous explosion on the table (years ago), resulting in a microsope's head being fired into our ceiling. The moments right before the explosion, an event which burned Deborah, are chronicled from multiple angle color and black/white surveillance images. The heat buildup around the scope is also evidenced. Images of the burned scope and table are also present. Really cool....and...Multiple angle shots of the so called "light being"...which some have called an angel, others a cherubim, still others an e.t. have been found.The original, authentic, image of the being looking like an e.t. during a discussion about an e.t., has been located! I did not know until last night that the image which was leaked to the public a few years ago, was actually a small clip from a much larger image! The full image shows that I was in my livingroom when this image was taken, just as I said, not at S4 like some hoaxers have claimed! (This is not to say that there wasn't a different incident at S4, but it was not the one in the lower photo.) Additionally, there is another authentic entity "face image" (a different photo) which has been located!The lower image, above, was leaked to the public by person's unknown. It is actually part of an image (as indicated) which comprises the large blacked out area. These images WILL be made public, soon.When Goodness steps forward in Love, darkness tries to block the way with negativity, but must always give ground to the light from the candle of Truth.Dan